Keeping Cats out of the garden

Faster dog...

Haven't had a cat in the yard yet, but the birds and rabbits that try are caught before they know what hit them.

The dogs stay in the fence, the garden does not. The cats are at an advantage because they aren't confined to my yard and the city dislikes transient dogs but doesn't have much of a problem with dozens of feral cats.

And Wally is super fast. He RUNS (not jogs) RUNS at full throttle 5-10 Miles per day. Here he is in the back of the cherokee.

Ah, my garden is in the fence and Emmy averaged over 30MPH on the 3/8th mile track. Jack is a little slower being 7 but makes up for it with a higher prey drive. He ran down a bird on the wing saturday.
Maybe the Kitty Kopter in the other thread? Put a mean scowl on "Orville", and let him patrol the garden skies.

Death from above! LOL!