Well first Henning, you are not normal
Ted too (definitely not)
I agree that if ya just absolutely positively gotta be somewhere, you want the biggest, fastest, most capable twin you can afford - and more :wink2:
But if this is a pleasure flight somewhere after slaving, and dreaming, in a cubicle for weeks why blow the bucks just to get there 9 minutes sooner (typical time difference for the typical pleasure run)
Anyway, not worth arguing about.
When the time came to buy my last airplane I seriously considered a turbine (yeah, I could swing it). But after a lifetime of banging around airports and airplanes I have a longer perspective.
I wanted a twin for moving grandchildren across 3 states, two countries, and three of the four Great Lakes - often at night in marginal weather. I looked at all the usual suspects. In the end, I decided that an Apache - same one I had taken my multi rating in 35 years earlier - met my dispatch requirements 98% of the time. The 2% it doesn't I have learned to live with.
Entering the 14th year with this ship I still feel it was the right decision. I have saved tons of money over a faster ship (especially turbine). I have flown every trip I felt comfortable launching. And only a few times would a turbocharged rocket have made a difference - granted, I have not taken the high route across the Rockies.
I have been able to fly longer than I anticipated - and to my surprise my health should allow another 5 years (or so - icing on the cake)
So when you guys go stroking past me, ten thousand feet higher, give me a wing wag.