Vortex Ring State.
“A vortex ring state sets in when the airflow around a helicopter's main rotor assumes a rotationally symmetrical form over the tips of the blades, supported by a laminar flow over the blade tips, and a countering upflow of air outside and away from the rotor. In this condition, the rotor falls into a new topological state of the surrounding flow field, induced by its own downwash, and suddenly loses lift.”
VRS does impact multi-rotor drones. Take your basic drone up to altitude. Enter a rapid vertical descent, and watch it lose control. Apply power, and preferably lateral directional movement (ie, forward), and control can be recovered. I presume the Jetson, as a muli-rotor aircraft (ie, similar to drones) is subject to the same phenomenon, but can’t say for certain. There may be control logic that prevents operator from entering VRS. In any case, if a person were to purchase a Jetson, is there manufacturer training to avoid VRS, and other hazards, that might result in an unfortunate “bounce” upon impact with terra firma? Or are customers on their own to figure this stuff out?