Jet Blue


Line Up and Wait
Nov 19, 2011
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First flight on this airline, not going well. Delayed 2 hours as they have no crew....
Going to miss my meeting and have to reschedule if possible.
I love Jet Blue. Will fly with them any day over pretty much anyone else.
I've been delayed by every major US-based airline by either a crew not showing up or waiting on another crew to deadhead. Jet Blue isn't immune.
I love these stories. Any time my wife is worried about whether we'll make it on time or not flying general aviation, these are just gold. :D

Flight delays, or better yet cancellations. Yeah baby. :cool:

Sorry you got delayed Goofy.
Booked a flight with Jet Blue several months in advance to Vermont. They decided the week before we left to cancel that route, no notice, nada. The only way we found out was double checking our confirmation. hey didn't even have the decency to offer an alternate airline. They did offer to send us somewhere else where we could book a car and drive several hours to our destination.o_O At least they refunded our tickets. That's the only experience I've had with Jet Blue...I will not book with them again.
Booked a flight with Jet Blue several months in advance to Vermont. They decided the week before we left to cancel that route, no notice, nada. The only way we found out was double checking our confirmation. hey didn't even have the decency to offer an alternate airline. They did offer to send us somewhere else where we could book a car and drive several hours to our destination.o_O At least they refunded our tickets. That's the only experience I've had with Jet Blue...I will not book with them again.

Interesting since JFK-BTV was one of their first routes.
I have never flown 'em, as they're a bit player around here. AA has stranded me plenty of times, pretty much no one else has (but, for long-distance travel from north Texas, until fairly recently, it was pretty much AA or walk).

Southwest is dramatically better at recovering from irregular ops.
First flight on this airline, not going well. Delayed 2 hours as they have no crew....
Going to miss my meeting and have to reschedule if possible.
I'm just impressed they didn't call it an air traffic delay.
Only flown Jet Blue a handful of times but must say they have consistently been the smooooothest landings. Almost as good as mine. ;)
Except the one landing in the DR. On that one I snarkily told the pilot "good short field" as I was leaving the aircraft. Man we hit hard. They did make the first turn off then had to taxi parallel to the runway to get to the terminal. I think they just got a little slow on final but that's just a guess based on vertical speed at impact..err, I mean at touchdown.
I like to ask them which was the Navy pilot after those!
Gonna happen more and more. Not enough people want to be pilots to fill the slots being vacated.

What a difference 15 years makes.

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Word on the grapevine is that United is going to buy JetBlue in order to get their aircraft and pilots.
Well when you can't even get permission to push back from the gate because there's too many other flights going over your same SID transition what would you call it ?????????????
Depends on why there are too many other flights over your transition. If it's because there is wx over the other transitions that pilots are refusing to fly through so every one is swapping over the same fix then I'd call that a delay due to wx. If it's because there isn't any staffing at the ATC facility to allow it (rare/almost non existent), then it would be an ATC delay.
The rest of the flight went fine. But I missed an appointment that may have cost me a deal. Their second meeting that day could now take it. Too bad airlines don't understand they can affect other's business with their "stuff happens" and plan for them a lot better.
The rest of the flight went fine. But I missed an appointment that may have cost me a deal. Their second meeting that day could now take it. Too bad airlines don't understand they can affect other's business with their "stuff happens" and plan for them a lot better.
I can relate to frustration with delays. But they happen, and not infrequently. I don't know your business, but if a two-hour flight delay had the potential to cost me significant money, I would certainly be on an earlier flight, and maybe even fly the day before.
The rest of the flight went fine. But I missed an appointment that may have cost me a deal. Their second meeting that day could now take it. Too bad airlines don't understand they can affect other's business with their "stuff happens" and plan for them a lot better.

Maybe you should do some better trip planning next time.
First flight on this airline, not going well. Delayed 2 hours as they have no crew....
Going to miss my meeting and have to reschedule if possible.
New York pretty much melted down Wed and Thursday due to storms. It can take days to get everybody back in place after that.
Word on the grapevine is that United is going to buy JetBlue in order to get their aircraft and pilots.
Maybe you should do some better trip planning next time.
You have to plan for delays and cancellations. Scheduling too tight can cost you money, as you have found out.
Maybe you should do some better trip planning next time.

Right, I'm going to allow a day for one 1PM meeting when it's the only morning flight available, still providing 2.5 hours of leeway! What a crock. What business are you in?
This is the airlines managing to pack planes and not give a hoot about delays. If my operation ran that way I'd be hurting.
By the way Southwest lovers, flew home with them and have never seen a more grumpy, sourpuss cabin crew. Smiles and greetings to cold empty faces. I've been in the public service business and when you have a bad day you suck it up. Eventually being pleasant generates pleasant responses and soon your day improves. But not these creeps. Unions so suck....
Complimented the captain on a nice ride and, at least, he was human and smiled his thanks.
Right, I'm going to allow a day for one 1PM meeting when it's the only morning flight available, still providing 2.5 hours of leeway! What a crock. What business are you in?.
I've been in the airline business for almost three decades. The delays/completion rates are far better now, than they were in the 80's/90's.
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Depends on why there are too many other flights over your transition. If it's because there is wx over the other transitions that pilots are refusing to fly through so every one is swapping over the same fix then I'd call that a delay due to wx. If it's because there isn't any staffing at the ATC facility to allow it (rare/almost non existent), then it would be an ATC delay.

Out of Newark it is neither of those. It's just more departures than the system can handle. And the airlines aren't sending out empty planes just to gum up the works. Obviously more folks want to fly and have more frequencies to do so.
Yep. Stuff happens at times.

No - stuff at Jet Blue happens A LOT!

14. JetBlue Airways
> Flights delayed: 35.9%
> # of July flights: 32,720
> Average length of delay: 78.5 minutes
> Nation headquartered: United States
Only flown Jet Blue a handful of times but must say they have consistently been the smooooothest landings. Almost as good as mine. ;)

Assuming you were on a bus rather than a 190, the Airbus has very soft landing gear.

Except the one landing in the DR. On that one I snarkily told the pilot "good short field" as I was leaving the aircraft. Man we hit hard. They did make the first turn off then had to taxi parallel to the runway to get to the terminal. I think they just got a little slow on final but that's just a guess based on vertical speed at impact..err, I mean at touchdown.

I'm sure he appreciated your unsolicited commentary ....
Assuming you were on a bus rather than a 190, the Airbus has very soft landing gear.

I'm sure he appreciated your unsolicited commentary ....
He did chuckle a bit after looking at me a bit hard...we both knew it was a rather firm landing. As for your comment on soft gear, ummm, technique has as much to do with it. Frontier flies buses and landings are okay but nothing special. The Jetblue guys seemed to be on their game at a noticeably better level. I will understand if your ego won't let you accept that observation.
He did chuckle a bit after looking at me a bit hard...we both knew it was a rather firm landing. As for your comment on soft gear, ummm, technique has as much to do with it. Frontier flies buses and landings are okay but nothing special. The Jetblue guys seemed to be on their game at a noticeably better level. I will understand if your ego won't let you accept that observation.

No ego here. I fly a plane that's easier to make a soft landing than the bus, but I did fly the 320 series for a while and know it has forgiving landing gear, especially compared to its competitor the 737.
Right, I'm going to allow a day for one 1PM meeting when it's the only morning flight available, still providing 2.5 hours of leeway! What a crock. What business are you in?
This is the airlines managing to pack planes and not give a hoot about delays. If my operation ran that way I'd be hurting.
By the way Southwest lovers, flew home with them and have never seen a more grumpy, sourpuss cabin crew. Smiles and greetings to cold empty faces. I've been in the public service business and when you have a bad day you suck it up. Eventually being pleasant generates pleasant responses and soon your day improves. But not these creeps. Unions so suck....
Complimented the captain on a nice ride and, at least, he was human and smiled his thanks.
Depends on how important the deal is. I've certainly gone in the night before (I get more work dip one in a quiet hotel room than the office) when the deal warranted same.

I learned my lesson 25 years ago where United f***ed me over with a flight home the night before a big meeting at home.
I've been in the airline business for almost three decades. The delays/completion rates are far better now, than they were in the 80's/90's.

Worse than this?!

14. JetBlue Airways
> Flights delayed: 35.9%
> # of July flights: 32,720
> Average length of delay: 78.5 minutes
> Nation headquartered: United States
Same route, same price, next week....went Southwest.
I have most certainly made a trip a day early for meetings that my lively hood depended on. And if there was any possibility of me being late, I made phone calls. Try finding a dime and an empty phone booth when everyone else is making calls for the same reason. This was before cell phones made life so much easier.

Because there was no direct flight, I have driven 6 hours one way for a 1 hour meeting a few times. Having a plane would have made life easier for me.
I have family that uses them. I treat JetBlue arrivals like general aviation. They'll get here when they get here.
No ego here. I fly a plane that's easier to make a soft landing than the bus, but I did fly the 320 series for a while and know it has forgiving landing gear, especially compared to its competitor the 737.
Worse than this?!

14. JetBlue Airways
> Flights delayed: 35.9%
> # of July flights: 32,720
> Average length of delay: 78.5 minutes
> Nation headquartered: United States
For an Airline based in NYC, with 50+% of the schedule flying from the three NYC Airports? IN THE SUMMER? Hell yes....
Right, I'm going to allow a day for one 1PM meeting when it's the only morning flight available, still providing 2.5 hours of leeway! What a crock. What business are you in?
This is the airlines managing to pack planes and not give a hoot about delays. If my operation ran that way I'd be hurting.
By the way Southwest lovers, flew home with them and have never seen a more grumpy, sourpuss cabin crew. Smiles and greetings to cold empty faces. I've been in the public service business and when you have a bad day you suck it up. Eventually being pleasant generates pleasant responses and soon your day improves. But not these creeps. Unions so suck....
Complimented the captain on a nice ride and, at least, he was human and smiled his thanks.

Just last month co-workers and I flew cross country for an important meeting. Three of us flew in on a Tuesday. Had a three hour meeting Wednesday afternoon and flew home Thursday. So at least 72 man hours given up for a three hour meeting. If it is important you do what you gotta do. Since 90+% of us don't like to travel on weekends we count Mondays and Fridays off business wise to allow travel.