Final Approach
I was reading the ADS-B article of the month in the AOPA magazine. It’s worthwhile reading this month.
I have read all along that once ADS-B is mandated it will be possible to call ahead and get permission to enter. I think many people think that will be easy. This article indicates that this will not be very easy. It says that “The FAA is placing the burden for approving non-equipped aircraft operations in ADS-B rule airspace primarily on the aircraft operator-and not on the FAA.”
The FAA says “To the maximum extent possible the operators of equipped aircraft should not be penalized or have their ATC services effected by operators who choose not to equip their aircraft with ADS-B Out equipment.”
It appears that it will be only dire circumstances that will cause the issue of authorization while in flight. You will have to call an hour in advance of the flight.
This reminds me of the buzz that went on in late 1999. There were those who believed the world as we know it would end at midnight 12/31/1999 and those who believed it was a hoax. I was in the hoax camp. I expect that listening to ATC or flying into rule airspace on January 2, 2020 will be quite interesting.
I’m glad I chose to equip both my planes.
I have read all along that once ADS-B is mandated it will be possible to call ahead and get permission to enter. I think many people think that will be easy. This article indicates that this will not be very easy. It says that “The FAA is placing the burden for approving non-equipped aircraft operations in ADS-B rule airspace primarily on the aircraft operator-and not on the FAA.”
The FAA says “To the maximum extent possible the operators of equipped aircraft should not be penalized or have their ATC services effected by operators who choose not to equip their aircraft with ADS-B Out equipment.”
It appears that it will be only dire circumstances that will cause the issue of authorization while in flight. You will have to call an hour in advance of the flight.
This reminds me of the buzz that went on in late 1999. There were those who believed the world as we know it would end at midnight 12/31/1999 and those who believed it was a hoax. I was in the hoax camp. I expect that listening to ATC or flying into rule airspace on January 2, 2020 will be quite interesting.
I’m glad I chose to equip both my planes.