I left the house promptly at 7:00 A.M. to drive to the airport. I fly out of Lancaster Tx. so its an hour drive. Tried to relax but I had little success, even thought about stopping and getting some smokes (I quit years ago), but decided that wouldn't help much. For some odd reason the drive took an hour and a half (seemed like three days). I arrive at the airport early thinking I had time to sit and drink some tea before my instructor arrived. He was early dang it!!! I went and did my check list hoping the repeditive nature of that would calm my nerves, it might would have worked but I kept going over the same part of the list several times. Well I thought the Ercoupe is definantly preflighted today. I pulled the plane out of the hanger just as John walked up smiling and saying "are you ready to do this?". I wanted to say "no can I go home now", ok not really. We went out and did 5 touch and goes but it seemed I couldn't do anything landing related correctly. He looked over on my 6th attempt and said "full stop, its time". I was thinking "did you just see those last few attempts". He then gave me a brief test with basic stuff like stall speed and radio frequency of the airport.
It took me an hour to walk all the way to where the plane sat waiting on me, it was at least 75 feet from where we sat. I get in and grab the checklist, as I'm going down the list I put my headset on and the muff fell off and I couldn't reach it. So I unbuckle myself and get out so I can find it. John walks up and says "you change your mind?" Uhm nope its under control so he walks off. So the planes running and I'm ready to go, we had been doing touch and goes on 13 all morning to which I headed back to 13. Looked up and the perfect calm day was now 9 mph from 31 so I turn around and go the other way. First time I dont listen to AWOS I end up going to the wrong runway. I taxi to 31 and do my engine run up and pull to the hold line, I have to wait on a bonanza to land. Did I mention we saw one plane during our earlier touch and goes? Well now its near lunch time and theres 5 planes buzzing around. I make the call that I'm departing and push throttle in. I really needed a cigarette about then but I think John have would frowned on that. I hit 60 mph and I raised the nose and let her fly off the ground as smooth as silk. HOLY CRAP WHATS WRONG I thought, my normal climb rate of 80 mph and 600 feet per minute was not the same this trip. Without that 195 pounds I was climbing like a rocket (at least to me). I was not expecting that much of a difference so I had to reduce that rate because my normal altitude for my xwind was 500 feet which I got before I was past the end of the runway.
I flew the pattern even not trying I was still climbing fast, I leveled of and reduced power, "ok I have a minute to relax". But nooo! there was those pesky 5 planes still in my way, as I turned final I lined up , everything was good except for 4 red lights. I eased in the throttle a bit and I was perfect. Nice and stable and I knew I could make it, rounded out and waited a couple seconds and flared. I just heard a squeak and I was on the ground, smoothest landing I have ever done. The nervous went away, I was grinning from ear to ear and I took off again to do two more. Those annoying 5 planes weren't bothering me now, I was having a ball. I made two more and those three were best ones I have ever done, soft gentle and smooth.
I taxied off and took the plane back to the hanger and put it up. I walked to the cafe where my instructor was waiting. He shook my hand as did a whole bunch of pilots. "He then said turn around and dont move". I did not get the warning of take a second shirt in time. So now I have a log endorsement to fly solo and an air conditioned shirt. It was a fantastic day!!!!!!