Now I am only one airport manager of 2,000+ airports in the US, but I do feel the need to at least defend some of us.
First of all, hangars shall only be used for aeronautical use. Airports that are allowing otherwise, that have received federal grants in the last 20 years, are in violation of their grant assurances.
For an airport, usually as a government body, to build new hangars is a tough sell. Outside of major metro areas, rental rates usually aren't high enough to fund construction. Using taxpayer dollars to subsidize homes for "rich-guys toys" isn't popular for the general public. That isn't my quote or line of thinking by the way, I'm a average Joe with an airplane too, so I get it.
We also usually report to an either politically appointed or elected body, often people with little to no interest in aviation. We usually don't create policy, we are just tasked with implementing it whether we agree with it or not. There is also an expectation by said officials, and the FAA, for airports to be as revenue neutral as possible, which is hard for smaller airports.
Just my view from "The Other Side"