It's Finished

Congratulations. It must be an amazing accomplishment to revive an airplane like that. I only hope that I will someday have the skill and time to do the same.
Ya brought back to life a thing of beauty. I wish I could experience that in person. Maybe it will end up in the hands of an admirer down this way. You brought it home from quite a ways.
This chapter may be finished, but here's to many more chapters yet to bewritten in the life of this beautiful bird.
Tom, it is mixed emotions. I have seen up close and personal your fine craftsmanship and truly it was my honor to have that experience. I stood in awe.

On the other hand it's like you gave up, called it quits. I understand.

None the less, it is a thing of great beauty and something which you can decidely say you were a part of as much as it is a part of you. A project such as this stands as a testament; nothing more is required of you to prove to anyone. You know in your heart this is an example of your finest work.

You can walk away with much pride in your skills. That level of skill comes not from the sweat of the brow but from the craftsman's soul. And you know, really know, someone will get a fine bird. Perhaps the only question remaining is, is the new owner worthy of this magnificent work which is as much art (plus the blood, sweat, and tears) as it is a true aircraft.

Truly, the accolades belong to Barb and others for allowing you to express your heart's desire, your true gift.

It was and is a blessing to me to witness in my own way the manner in which you presented yourself to fellow artisans and aviators. You are to be proud of your accomplishments.
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Amazing, Tom, simply amazing. I only dream of being that talented and focused. You have many reasons to be proud. :yes:
Mazel Tov Tom!!! That is beautiful I recall when you first posted about the project. It is truly a work of Art. I only wish I could have gotten out there with Dave when I was up in the Seattle Area. Also I echo Jesse's comments!! You are truly talented.
I'll copy and paste what I wrote at AOPA

" Thanks you for the compliments, but I am not alone in this hobby, the restoration business is alive and well, as whitnessed by the VAA mag I get every month.

This project was more than I expected, more work, more money, more time, than I wanted to invest in any aircraft. But it has evolved into a nice old aircraft that Barb. and I may keep for a while.

I have not desided what I'll do next, It might be nice to just lay up and not do another aircraft for a while and catch up on my honey do list, build a work shop here at home where I can quit running back and forth to the airport every day and complete the projects here at home.

Anyway, we'll see what happens, there may be a buyer that may want it more than I do."
build a work shop here at home where I can quit running back and forth to the airport every day and complete the projects here at home.


Tom ya may want to reconsider that last part. spending your days at the airport may not be such a bad thing:D
Congrats Tom!!! I remember when you started that a long time ago. Wow, that is beautiful. :cheerswine:

BTW. You are a TRUE craftsman. Rare breed these days.
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I've been watching your restoration from nearly the beginning. Critter nests in the fuselage, rotted rudder, brakes in the kitchen oven, the bigger the hole got the bigger it needed to be until the hole was bigger than the airplane. Then the rebuild... Your craftsmanship and dedication to do things, including the little details no one will ever see, like they're supposed to be done is rare in today's world. You're a mechanic, craftsman and artist all in one. That is one BEAUTIFUL aeroplane.

That Fairchild is the work of a Craftmaster.

I know I'd never finish a project like that, but I gotta imagine the hardest part is the day you decide to stick a fork in it and declare it done. On the few projects I have taken to completion I really never got to that day.

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Just awesome Tom.
As in:

Audio Help /ˈɔ
səm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[aw-suh
m] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1.inspiring awe: an awesome sight. 2.showing or characterized by awe.

Congrats to you on a masterpiece.
You are truly gifted with talent, patience and a very understanding wife (perhaps the most essential part)
I'll be not too far from you come the first weekend in September Tom. Any chance I can stop by and see your project?

Of Course,,,,,,,, stop by.. OKH hangar #6 or 1-360-675-2117