It's a heat wave!!!


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
Got above freezing today for the first time this month, and I believe for the first time in almost 5 or 6 weeks. Almost feels like I can get out the Speedo!
we must be in bizzarro world or something. It rained here in AZ today.
Hey Ed, Lance and I know a restaurant in Waterloo that needs a topless waiter :yes:

Ten was the high when I was up your way.

It's 70 in Dallas today. Finally getting back to the norm for this time of year.


pretty nice here too. hat/gloves are no longer needed. huge puddles around campus from snow melting runoff.

is it too much to hope for thermals to 8000 feet next week?
Got above freezing today for the first time this month, and I believe for the first time in almost 5 or 6 weeks. Almost feels like I can get out the Speedo!
Thankgoodness thats "almost" ;). Yep it feels great down here! Its 72 degrees! It was around lower 50s yesterday and around 28 the day before so this is awesome! I haven't heard the birds chirping this much in a while. They say if you can hear them in the morning, its going to be a good weather day. We actualy have the windows open.
Now that the rain has gone, and the streets have dried, and the clouds went away, today turned out to be a nice day: 64 right now. Feels good to be working in the garage!
pretty nice here too. hat/gloves are no longer needed. huge puddles around campus from snow melting runoff.

is it too much to hope for thermals to 8000 feet next week?

Is it just me, or would it make sense for an ENGINEERING school to find a way to lay out the campus so that all the water/snow runoff doesn't puddle in the middle of the sidewalks!?
Changed as suggested. Full Retraction.
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I gotta be careful here. Any further speculation could send this thread off to the Spin Zone! :D

Kenny, that's the second time I've seen this from you today. :rolleyes: Rather than joking about it, why don't you actually save it for the Spin Zone? :mad:
Heh - I wonder how many threads have "Tony and Jesse" comments or "Jesse is gay" comments in them.

I might do a search. It seems like quite a few!
Is it just me, or would it make sense for an ENGINEERING school to find a way to lay out the campus so that all the water/snow runoff doesn't puddle in the middle of the sidewalks!?

I was wondering the same thing. About a 2 inch deep lake in front of the library

Kenny, that's the second time I've seen this from you today. :rolleyes: Rather than joking about it, why don't you actually save it for the Spin Zone? :mad:

roger that.

Heh - I wonder how many threads have "Tony and Jesse" comments or "Jesse is gay" comments in them.

I might do a search. It seems like quite a few!

seems to be the fad lately...
I was wondering the same thing. About a 2 inch deep lake in front of the libra
seems to be the fad lately...

They all just envy the beautiful thing you guys have!
38 for the high here today
41 tomorrow

goodbye snow.
It's been summer here for several days.
It only got to 30F last night. Currently it's 46F and climbing. It's short sleeve weather already.

The 8 foot snowpile next to me is now a pathetic heap of snow/ice/water mix about 2 feet high.

Moral dilemma... Get out and do some more insulating and fixing stuff for the next blast of cold and snow..or go riding...
It's 40 today as it starting at around 9 AM yesterday.

  • Concrete tile roofs make repeated THUNDEROUS booms as the tiles fall back during a thaw!
  • There were several folks still out on the ice on the lake. One guy this morning was cross country skiing. There's still a tent out there.
  • When I went to town at lunch, I saw several guys wearing only T-shirts. THAT'S the Midwest! Take THAT California!
  • I can see grass already where there was a foot of snow all these weeks.
  • They're predicting flooding when some rain meets up with the runoff this weekend.
most of the fields are mostly black now.
i rolled the window down in the car today.

gotta love conditioning. this fall when it was 40 degF I was freezing!
Bleah. After weeks of unseasonably warm weather (some highs in the fifties up here) we are back to normal. -40F forecast for tomorrow night.


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