
Ken Ibold

Final Approach
Feb 21, 2005
Jacksonville, Florida
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Ken Ibold
Early adopters definitely take their chances, but Apple really did it with the iPhone. Today's news: 4 GB iPhone discontinued and 8 GB iPhone for $399.

That 2-year contract on the original is looking mighty tasty now, ain't it?
Early adopters definitely take their chances, but Apple really did it with the iPhone. Today's news: 4 GB iPhone discontinued and 8 GB iPhone for $399.

That 2-year contract on the original is looking mighty tasty now, ain't it?

Serious? Damn. Glad my phone ain't an iPhone.
Early adopters definitely take their chances, but Apple really did it with the iPhone. Today's news: 4 GB iPhone discontinued and 8 GB iPhone for $399.

That 2-year contract on the original is looking mighty tasty now, ain't it?

Jobs has started walking the late 1980's line that nearly killed Apple again...

If you are up for a great laugh, check out


Early adopters definitely take their chances, but Apple really did it with the iPhone. Today's news: 4 GB iPhone discontinued and 8 GB iPhone for $399.

That 2-year contract on the original is looking mighty tasty now, ain't it?

So? Is Apple not supposed to update the products? Who izzit who said he'd wait for the 3rd or 4th gen? It is like what the Garmin said sarcastically, "Oh. No. We'll just not come out with new products and the let the competition have all of the business..."

The early adopters that are kicking themselves most are the ones who were in line when they only had 4Gb models left, and they bought one lest they have to wait a few days. Let's hope those few days of whipping out the iPhone supposedly being a chick magnet were worth it. :D

You didn't mention that Steve announced the iPod Touch with WiFi and YOU'LL BE ABLE TO BUY THE MUSIC YOU HEAR AT STARBUCKS! RIGHT THERE! :goofy:

That other noise you hear is the early adopters who got the iPhone strictly for use as an iPod.
$200 reduction is a lot. Wow. Glad I didn't buy one yet because I almost gave in.

I read a news article that sort of made a good point about cell phones. The Motorola Razr used to sell for almost as much as an iPhone and now you can get it for under $100.

The price we pay for having the latest and greatest.

So... given the current pattern, I should only have to wait two months before it costs $200... right? :dunno: That'd be nice.
So? Is Apple not supposed to update the products? Who izzit who said he'd wait for the 3rd or 4th gen? It is like what the Garmin said sarcastically, "Oh. No. We'll just not come out with new products and the let the competition have all of the business..."

The early adopters that are kicking themselves most are the ones who were in line when they only had 4Gb models left, and they bought one lest they have to wait a few days. Let's hope those few days of whipping out the iPhone supposedly being a chick magnet were worth it. :D

You didn't mention that Steve announced the iPod Touch with WiFi and YOU'LL BE ABLE TO BUY THE MUSIC YOU HEAR AT STARBUCKS! RIGHT THERE! :goofy:

That other noise you hear is the early adopters who got the iPhone strictly for use as an iPod.


:D :D :D
$200 reduction is a lot. Wow. Glad I didn't buy one yet because I almost gave in.

I read a news article that sort of made a good point about cell phones. The Motorola Razr used to sell for almost as much as an iPhone and now you can get it for under $100.

The price we pay for having the latest and greatest.

So... given the current pattern, I should only have to wait two months before it costs $200... right? :dunno: That'd be nice.

Apple has discontinued the 4GB iPhone and is blowing them out new for $299 while supplies last. Check the Clearance section on their online store.

Refurbed 8Gig models are at $349 now.

I'm not totally surprised; after all, people griped that iPhones were stuck in 2005 as far as cell phone tech went (EDGE, 2MP camera, etc). With these and the iPod Touch (WiFi, Safari, no e-mail though :mad: ), Apple is sneaking up on PDA territory, for Palm has been utterly stagnant in their OS development for, what, 5 years now? And the Nokia N770/800 have been received well only by the techgeek/Linux set.

Steve just announced that any iPhone owner, even ones who bought from AT&T, will get a $100 Apple store credit. You, know, like any company would do. (NOT!)

VERY dumb move on Apple's part. It sets a precedent. They made the right call in dumping the price, now that the real numbers are coming out and their original "RECORD BREAKING!" numbers were off by almost 1/2.

They dropped the price to sell more units. Giving the $100 store credit makes the job harder. Sometimes, you just have to tell the customer that they're not always going to be happy with every decision you as a company make.

I almost had respect for Apple. sigh.
VERY dumb move on Apple's part. It sets a precedent. They made the right call in dumping the price, now that the real numbers are coming out and their original "RECORD BREAKING!" numbers were off by almost 1/2.

They dropped the price to sell more units. Giving the $100 store credit makes the job harder. Sometimes, you just have to tell the customer that they're not always going to be happy with every decision you as a company make.

I almost had respect for Apple. sigh.

:goofy: Si sunny. Ther as many people complaing about them giving money as complained about them lowering teh price.

Lessee...Lower price. Bad for customers.

$100 credit. Bad for customers

I'm suspecting if they paid people $100 to take the products there would be complaints about the sales tax or that it was all a conspiracy to sell more songs from the iTunes store.

I'm looking at a future purchase of a Panasonic plasma HDTV. They just announced a new line for the lowest price ever. Guess what the forums are complaining about?
:goofy: Si sunny. Ther as many people complaing about them giving money as complained about them lowering teh price.

Lessee...Lower price. Bad for customers.

$100 credit. Bad for customers

I'm suspecting if they paid people $100 to take the products there would be complaints about the sales tax or that it was all a conspiracy to sell more songs from the iTunes store.

I'm looking at a future purchase of a Panasonic plasma HDTV. They just announced a new line for the lowest price ever. Guess what the forums are complaining about?
I don't think it's a matter of complaining about price cuts per se. It's a matter of only 3 months elapsing before a 33 percent price cut. In electronics there is always an early adopter price premium, but this gives the impression of too great a cut too soon in the product's life cycle. Since any big public company is doing sales forecasting more than 3 months down the road, the perception is that Apple screwed the early adopters with an outrageous initial price.
I don't think it's a matter of complaining about price cuts per se. It's a matter of only 3 months elapsing before a 33 percent price cut. In electronics there is always an early adopter price premium, but this gives the impression of too great a cut too soon in the product's life cycle. Since any big public company is doing sales forecasting more than 3 months down the road, the perception is that Apple screwed the early adopters with an outrageous initial price.

There's a prototype iPhone ad from February floating around showing that the iPhone was supposed to be $399 at launch. We can guess that the final terms between AT&T and Apple necessitated a higher price. I'd bet that even at $599 there's a subsidy factored in.

What tech companies have to do is price the product properly. There have to weigh what's it's worth and not necessarily what its cost is. The classic example is Microsoft selling an $11 package of CDs and paper of Microsoft Office for $400+.

When Apple and AT&T saw that the volume isn't holding up due to too much resistance on price, they made an attempt to fix that.

My resistance for the iPhone is the obvious lack of basic features and the obvious missing opportunities for new applications. I suspect that will be resolved anon. A year or two.
Steve just announced that any iPhone owner, even ones who bought from AT&T, will get a $100 Apple store credit. You, know, like any company would do. (NOT!)

Here it is, straight from the horse's mouth:

I guess I won't be needing that new avatar I made before the refund announcement... (Warning: NSFW, gross, disgusting, but pretty aptly conveys the way I felt on Wednesday...)

Edit by Greebo: Any attachment posted that is "gross, disgusting, nsfw" should be considered a violation of the RoC.
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Here it is, straight from the horse's mouth:

I guess I won't be needing that new avatar I made before the refund announcement... (Warning: NSFW, gross, disgusting, but pretty aptly conveys the way I felt on Wednesday...)

:goofy: You're one of THEM! Exactly who or what told you you had to stand in line and jump on this as if it was LIFE SUPPORT.

If it was worth the $599 you paid, it's worth the $599 you paid. You made that decision.

I'm going after Osborne because after I ponied up the $1599 I had to come up with $400 more for double density floppy drives within 6 months that they were selling systems with for $1799 and THEN there's NO WAY a computer with a measly 64MB of RAM and NO HARD DRIVE is worth that kind of money!
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If it was worth the $599 you paid, it's worth the $599 you paid. You made that decision.

Worth it? Sure. Was I ****ed when they said the guy next door could buy one for a third less, two months to the day after I got mine? You bet I was.

It was worth the $599, but saying my $599 is only worth $399 is a different story.

As for your Osborne, I bet it was still selling for just as much two months later...
Worth it? Sure. Was I ****ed when they said the guy next door could buy one for a third less, two months to the day after I got mine? You bet I was.

It was worth the $599, but saying my $599 is only worth $399 is a different story.

As for your Osborne, I bet it was still selling for just as much two months later...

You paid more to be an early adopter, Kent. I understand your frustration, but at the end of the day, you paid more for a product then. You know the product will decline in price, you just don't know when, and for you, that meant you bought the product sooner rather than wait.


You paid more to be an early adopter, Kent. I understand your frustration, but at the end of the day, you paid more for a product then. You know the product will decline in price, you just don't know when, and for you, that meant you bought the product sooner rather than wait.



Exactly! Beyond that, if the product was worth $599, it was worth it. Who cares what others spent?

Its like the ....what is a non-abusive language version of it..... dude who interrupts me picking up a chick to tell her something about someone else, totally blocking me. He didn't get a girl that night, why should I? Why does it matter if someone else got a better deal? You spent what it was worth to you, they spent what it was worth to them.

This is the kind of garbage that blows our society apart, rather than bringing it together.
OK. So the 3G version of the iPhone will be out in January. So then the ones getting the new $200-off price can complain! :D

I'm reading early reviews of the iPod Touch. IT HAS NO EMAIL CLIENT! SO it does web so you can use web mail.



No deal! I'll pass! Nice try, #$%^!!

Touch iPod? Put in email, bluetooth, google maps, and hey, a phone! Yeah! THEN I'll buy one! :goofy:
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But for many, money is not and never was an issue. They were after the gratification of knowing they were among the first owners of something that is cool and, for those who agreed with Apple, revolutionary.

"If they told me at the outset the iPhone would be $200 cheaper the next day, I would have thought about it for a second - and still bought it," said Andrew Brin, a 47-year-old addiction therapist in Los Angeles. "It was $600 and that was the price I was willing to pay for it."

Does the iPhone really have no email client or Bluetooth? Really?