Is that you, Carl?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
I've come across a Facebook Pilot Friend I am kinda dubious about...

"Carl Swift"

I think he is the guy who gave some "interesting" advice on how to file the ASRS report on a You Tube video. And is known for having a set of these hanging from the tail tie down of his Grumman...


And I've seen him suspiciously sitting in the front seat of N25MV, a Cirrus based at Denton, when no one is looking.
Carl is one of my students.

I am an FI (Flight instructor (non certified)).
Sort of like CFI but all payments are under the table and a lot of the certs are questioned by real CFI's as maybe not being totally legit.

I just helped Carl get his safety pilot rating.
After, he will go for his commercial safety pilot rating where he will then be able to charge people to be their safety pilot.

He is eager to learn and has a lot of money so he is perfect for a Flight Instructor (non certified) like myself.
He is also a bit lazy at times and doesn't really research things that much. These are the people I teach best.

I always use his name when I fill out NASA reports because the FAA is on to him and it keeps him in line. I am afraid if they stop watching him, he might hurt himself.

It is a win win
Carl is one of my students.

I am an FI (Flight instructor (non certified)).
Sort of like CFI but all payments are under the table and a lot of the certs are questioned by real CFI's as maybe not being totally legit.

I just helped Carl get his safety pilot rating.
After, he will go for his commercial safety pilot rating where he will then be able to charge people to be their safety pilot.

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Looks like my certificate! Huh, how about that, didn't know there were other FIs out there.