Touchdown! Greaser!
What is the chance of recovering overwritten data in a Word doc?
Zero%, or less?
Zero%, or less?
If the original file was old enough, would a system restore recover it?
yea-us. (sheepishly)
Not too germane, but I seem to recall that they REMOVED this feature post-Word 2007. Do I recall correctly?Version control is a huge, huge benefit in Microsoft Word 2003 and 2007. It won't help you this time, but seriously, consider using Version Control is you can.
File > Versions > Save Now
A lesson from Nick: Version control keeps this from happening. Good luck in the future kind sir.
Not too germane, but I seem to recall that they REMOVED this feature post-Word 2007. Do I recall correctly?
I hope you're right. I used to use it, and was always peeved when people would "version" their files by appending "_v2.docx" or something to them. But when I went to look for versioning after upgrading, I couldn't find it. Maybe I was just blind. Just don't tell my AME!I hope not. Word 2010 has a new version control system in it, and Sharepoint has it as well, so perhaps they thought it was redundant, but it is the savior of all things word processing, so it better be prominent in the final release!
This is W2002.
and the desired file is not to be found in a search.
All is not lost....its just work!