Is a witch doctor considered a physician?


Jul 30, 2007
Clinton, AR (Sometimes)
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Total Stud Bush Pilot
For the purpose of FAA Basicmed exams? My own doctor won't touch it so I have to find someone that will and I'm stumped.

There are outfits that will conduct DOT physical exams for commercial driver's license purposes, but they are either "registered national examiners" (probably won't cut it) or in many cases witch doctors are doing this as a sideline. If a witch doctor will work, I'll jump on it.

Otherwise, if anyone knows an independent doctor in or near Northern Zambia , post up or PM Sac if you wouldn't mind.
.....and while you're in Zambia would you mind picking up the $3 million US Dollars the Zambian Prince is holding in escrow in my name please? It will only require your payment of $3,000USD and supplying your SSN and Bank Acct routing and account numbers.
Many thanks.
Don't drink the water.
I don't know of any state-licensed witch doctors. Whether your chiropodist is a state licensed physician is up to your state legislature
Technically, yes. A Witch Doctor is a physician.

But you've got to be a Witch for them to help you.

We'll throw you in a lake, and if you float you are a witch, and the Witch Doctor can sign your BasicMed. I think that's in the regs.

Good thing we don't burn Witches anymore!
.....and while you're in Zambia would you mind picking up the $3 million US Dollars the Zambian Prince is holding in escrow in my name please? It will only require your payment of $3,000USD and supplying your SSN and Bank Acct routing and account numbers.
Many thanks.
Don't drink the water.

I'll meet you in Nigeria with it.
A chiropractor won't cut the mustard, but a witch doctor you say..!? :skeptical:
I don't know of any state-licensed witch doctors.

Zambia might have its own regs for licensing. And it is a state. Nation-state.

And hey, as long as the witch doctor doesn't take too much interest in the anal exam requirement, I'd personally be good with it.
At least the witch doctor sticks the needles in a doll. My doctor wants to stick the needles in to ME.
I've always wondered why a witch would need a doctor. Couldn't they just cast a spell to heal themselves?
Someone actually gives a **** what you fly or where in Zambia? My observations on 3rd world life include a high degree of lawlessness. My favorite was in Guatemala, where the government passed a law that all motorcyclists needed to wear a vest with their license plate number. Apparently motorcyclists were gunning people to death, and the cops had trouble spotting their license numbers. Didn't quite work, the assassins just don't wear the vests.
Hmm... a Witch Doctor. Interesting question..

I'll ask the doc tomorrow. I'm doing my Class I at the Walmart eye doctor.
I was planning on having a Psychiatrist sign off my BasicMed.

[She's my Ex-wife and willing to sign ANYTHING to get rid of me]
My AME is Dr. Pepper. They say Mr. Pibb is the same but he didn't even get his degree.

with apologies to Mitch Hedberg
Dr. Pepper... the Russel Dunbar (David Spade) pseudo doctor from Rules of Engagement?
My AME is Dr. Pepper. They say Mr. Pibb is the same but he didn't even get his degree.

with apologies to Mitch Hedberg

No, Mr. Pibb is an English Surgeon. So it's Mr. and not Dr. That's all...
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