Normally, I would just leave it be, but that is just not possible here.
Well please, allow me to retort!
They might save you a LITTLE money. More likely, it's a wash. It can waste a ton of money if you get a lot of bad habits from it.
Is thousands of dollars a wash? I want your bank account please. So do the 2 other students that started just after me. I did develop one bad habit, regarding a few radio calls, which is normal for anyone in a sim or in the real thing. Which of course was quickly remedied in flight training.
Any simming you do without an instructor for ANYTHING is playing, and should be treated as such.
It's SIMULATION, not gaming. There is a large distinction there that you are missing.
For primary training, some benefit can be obtained for a few things, but it is quite limited compared to what you need to learn to be a safe VFR pilot.
A large benefit can be obtained, as a VFR pilot, from almost EVERYTHING except for the "feel" that you're so hung up on, and guess what? That "feeling" is getting extremely real in a simulator right now. I'm glad that you at least specified VFR pilot to soapbox on, because you know that IFR training in a sim saves a HUGE amount of money, and time.
You will spend most of your training time on things that can't be simulated adequately. Even reading the instruments.
Well in the really-real world, you spend most of your time
executing what you
trained in the sim on, period. I read the instruments just fine. There is this great new invention called a GLASS cockpit. You know, the gauges that current planes have...
A sim won't bounce the airspeed indicator in turbulence or have backlash in the OBS like a real airplane does, for instance. Feel is totally wrong, and disorientation is quite different.
I'm not even going to indulge this one, because I might hurt your feelings.
Now, simming can be fun, and I won't discourage anyone from trying it out for that reason. But to say it saves money for primary training is just wrong. It doesn't. It does help for learning IFR procedures, and instructors often use them for that. But that's very far afield from primary training.
My bank account and zero time to 41 hour PPL will not repeat what I already said. But whatever helps you sleep at night. Just to pour salt in your wound, it would have been 36 hours, but our DPE had to leave right after my oral, and was out of country and unavailable for a few weeks after. But at least that gave me plenty of time to jack around with IACRA... What a mess that was...
Simming can be an addiction; there are quite a number of simmers that claim it's just like training to try to justify it. There are very few pilots that make that claim, though the occasional one comes out of the woodwork.
Ya, that's how change occurs. You hear it from a few at first, and before you know it, BOOM, you're the minority. Shhh, it'll be ok.