Since the EI is a primary instrument replacement gauge, were you able to confirm all of the other parameters were set correctly? They are required to set the parameters to what is in the POH. Since there may be slight changes in the POH of planes from the same make/model, I would check the rest are correct.
Among the configuration files on the CGR30P there is a text file that lists all the configuration settings in plain language (or at least as plain as airplane language gets). A printout of that file was supplied with the instrument and that made it easy to check the settings.
There were two errors. One was understandable in that the Tiger's POH indicates a 90F (I think, or 100F) lower redline for oil temperature and I had requested 75F. The issue there is that the POH is wrong and that the approved drawings associated with the type certificate show 75F. The other error was of greater concern. The lower redline for fuel pressure was set incorrectly. I sent EI a copy of the relevant drawing regarding oil temperature and pointed out the fuel pressure error, and they sent me new configuration files to upload to the device via its USB port.