Google Mixup Leads to Tax-Time Nightmare for Tiny Airport
It's almost Tax Day, which means everyone is frantically googling the IRS to figure out how to get an extension. But if you search for "IRS" on Google Maps it leads you to a tiny airport in Michigan. This has caused some problems, it turns out.
After some investigation, employees of the airport—Kirsch Municipal Airport in Sturgis, Michigan—found the source of the problem: Kirsch's FAA airport code is IRS, and when you search for "IRS" on Google Maps, it's the first and only thing that comes up. People are apparently too panicked by the prospect of filing their tax return (or extension) on time to realize that the IRS is not headquartered in a town of 10,000 people in southern Michigan!5792635/google-mixup-leads-to-tax+time-nightmare-for-tiny-airport,+Sturgis,+Michigan+49091&z=14&iwloc=A