Sir, with all due respects, if you can't do the test in the SAME EXACT ORDER that I asked for it, don't come back with bogus results that mean nothing.
I specifically asked you to not key the transmitter. YOu keyed the transmitter. I asked you to get a constant transmit source. YOu didn't get a constant source. I didn't ask you anything about antennas. You supplied antenna information.
You really don't deserve hundreds of dollars of engineering time if you aren't willing to do what was asked.
Please, go to a radio shop and write them a blank check, but don't bother us here unless you want professional opinions. Lots of us here have dozens of years time troubleshooting and are willing to help those who listen and can follow directions.
You evidently cannot.
I can't claim to be a fan of Jim but his response this time is spot on.
Details are important. As are following instructions.
Rather than report a half-assed data set that is meaningless, wait til you get proper data from listening to a constant source.
Or take your plane to a radio shop and pay the prevailing rate for labor for them to do your troubleshooting for you.