iphone mount review


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 28, 2010
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mike g.
Howdy folks,

This is for those of you who fly with your iphone (or use it in your car, I guess)... I often use Skycharts on mine, and also AeroWeather, etc - in the ground an in air.

I had a cheapie ordered-from-china $3 iphone suction mount, actually two of them... one broke, and the other doesnt 'suck' very well.

So.... I found this on Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002H0UOG6- the RAM mount. It is very sturdy and has a great suction mechanism.. and its much cheaper than it was a few months ago ($20 now, I recall them being $35 over summer)

It is real solid....and works better than the other mount with slightly curved glass like the C172 windshield on the sides... I prefer mounting on the side, opposed to the front part of the windshield - as reaching with my arm extended to work the screen in bumpy air was always a poor adventure...

The added benefit is I have a few other 1" RAM ball mounted things - the yoke mount GPS, a video camera... so they all work together.


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Thanks for the review. I've been looking at a suction mount from this company for my G96C.

I have a few RAM items - one holds an AIM SmartyCam on the top of my racecar and has never let me down...

Once you get a few mounts with the 1" rubber ball you can get the device-specific holders for under $10.. you can get diff arms and extensions and multipliers etc - lots of fun stuff.

I'm going to try out a friend's RAM mount for iPad in the cockpit on Tuesday - And it's pretty much a given that some form of RAM mount will be ending up on my xmas list. I've looked at the RAM mount outside the cockpit and it appears to be sturdy and well-built - Well worth the price (which really isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things).
RAM mount for iPad looks really interesting. Please post your feedback after you try it.
This was my solution for a iphone 4 yoke mount, using the foreflight app . . .

I thought, what do I do with an old Lowrance Airmap 100 yoke mount, and a broken Otterbox holster? And of course I have my egg timer for those nasty approaches, lol

This is my backup for my iPad2 . . . which is mounted on the pilots side, using a RAM mount.




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I have used Ram Mounts on my motorcycles for years. They are very sturdy and the company stands behind their product.
I have used a Ram yoke mount for my IPhone since last Summer. Works great. I keep the IPad in my lap and a chart on the seat next to me.
I've seen and used RAM mounts for quite a while... nice stuff, but expensive. 'Recently found this company... Arkon, with a lot of good quality stuff, selling at reasonable prices. Try Ebay and Amazon for good pricing.
I just Velcro my iPhone on the yoke next to my Aera. Because there is no XM coverage in the Caribbean I use the iPhone for weather depiction. Because the cell towers are on the mountain tops it works pretty well in-flight.



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A yoke mount in my Sport Cub would not be an option. :D

Here's the iPhone in a RAM suction mount. The suction attachment holds well, despite the slight curve in the plexiglass, and the phone is held rigidly enough that touchscreen operations are easy.


I tried the suction mount with an iPad on the passenger's side of the windscreen in the C-172. It didn't work. The iPad is too heavy, and the suction gave way in the first light turbulence.


I didn't want to use a yoke mount for the iPad in the 172, but it seems to be the best alternative, with the iPad in vertical format.