iPhone 8 or Gallaxy S9?


Final Approach
Mar 8, 2014
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So my Andriod I have had since 2012 is about to crap out. Battery dies in under an hour of light web use. HTC has not supported it fore at least 3 years that I am aware of. Looking at these two phones. Both are on Amazon refurbed for $500-ish.......

Don't want an Xr, XS or whatever for a gazillion bucks. But also don't want to buy in say, an iPhone 6 as it is long in tooth these days.

I know nothing about the new crop of devices.......... Any reason to go with one over the other?
I had the iPhone 4s back in the day. Then went to Samsung and Android for screen size and just liked the customizing ability. After many years I bought the X a year ago and the X max when it just came out. I switched solely because iPhone runs Foreflight and no other reason. Now having switched, I've found the customization, etc. doesn't really matter to me now. In other words it hasn't bugged me like I thought it would that the iPhone isn't customizable like Android, etc. So probably just stick with iPhone from here on out. Although I might be tempted if they made FF available for Android.
Nothing "wrong" with either one, but if it were me I'd go Samsung. The Galaxy line has been ahead of the iPhone lineup since the iPhone 5, so if being closer to the edge of technology is your thing then that's where I'd go. If you already have a bunch invested in the Apple ecosystem (ATV, iTunes, iPads, MacBook, etc) then it makes sense to stick with an iDevice since they play well together. I don't have anything Apple except the work cell, so I have no reason to be loyal to them.

Disclaimer: I have a Galaxy S2 which is still running just fine but stays at home on wifi all day to forward personal calls/texts/etc. My work phone is an iPhone 7, but we don't get a choice. They are supposedly going to a BYOD plan in the next 6 months, and when they do, I'll jump ship for a new Samsung Galaxy.
I like the $300 6s+ I just bought.
What about memory size? is 64gb enough for Foreflight as a back up and say, 30 hours of music on it? I'm not a picture taker or an app downloader.
I've been getting by just fine with 16G iPads and iPhones. ForeFlight only uses 3G and change for me, but then again, I only download the maps for places I actually fly to. 30 hours of music should only be a few gigs and change as well.
Get the Galaxy. Buy a micro-SD card, like a 32GB one. Insert card. Download apps, inckuding free Avare EFB--you'll have plenty of room for sectionals, enroutes, photos, music, movies, whatever you want.

If you're especially anal, buy 2 SD cards, keep one for strictly aviation stuff. Load music into the phone to enjoy while flying. I've had an S3 for four years, then S7 which I dropped badly onto concrete and now an S8. Love them! Work has provided iphone 4, 5 and now 7--the screen on my S8 is larger than my entire iphone . . . . And it takes full-screen pictures . . . . And I can do what I want, the way I want and not worry about the single approved way to do anything.
I just traded my 6 in for an 8 a couple weeks ago. Verizon has a $100 trade in value and $300 off the 8 and 8+ right now. Originally went with the 8+ but brought it back the next day. Just couldn’t get used to the extra size & weight. Seems like a stupid requirement but I have to be able to reach the entire screen with my right thumb (small hands).

No complaints. Apparently it’s faster but I can’t tell. Battery lasts almost twice as long as my 6. Thumb ID is nice. Camera is better but don’t really notice a difference. Really upgraded because the 6 was only 16GB and showing a bit of wear and tear. 64GB gives me plenty of room for the few apps and pics that I have.
Lots of good stuff out there. I am really happy with a IPhone 8 except for what it cost.
Get what you’re happiest using. Both platforms have their pluses and minuses.

One thing I do recommend with Apple is to always buy their latest and greatest. Much like the fruit, these devices are perishable so you might as well get the freshest one if you want it to last.
Try lgs top tier android phones. Got my g6 for like 250 bucks. Lg has had a lot of features everyone is just now adding for years.
Get what you’re happiest using. Both platforms have their pluses and minuses.

One thing I do recommend with Apple is to always buy their latest and greatest. Much like the fruit, these devices are perishable so you might as well get the freshest one if you want it to last.

Always a good idea. I do the same thing with laptops - Always buy the biggest hard drive and as much RAM as possible now, because by the time you'll get sick of the smaller versions, they won't be worth the upgrade any more, while if you get the most resources possible from the start, they're usable for the longest possible time. (Says the guy typing this message on a 2012 laptop.)

Anyway... I would recommend the iPhone XR if you're buying now. It'll cost a little more than the 8, but it'll be usable for a longer time period. Especially if you're going to keep it for 6 years again.

IMO, the 8 was just Apple's hedge against people not liking the modifications of the X. I have a X (not R or S or anything) and love it. Best iPhone I've had in a long time. The XR has newer internals, only a single lens back camera but the other modifications compared to the XS are pretty minor, and it's got a much lower price tag. I think it's going to be a hit, and rightfully so.
I had a post on this, tried to android thing, get the hot chit one too, end of the day just get a iPhone, especially if you’re a pilot.
I bought an iphone 8. Got it for $374 out the door refurbed by using Hilton points to pay for part of it. I was not about to pay $1k for a phone. Thought hard about the S8, but my music is in iTunes and Foreflight is what I use to fly. Got it fully unlocked so when I go to BHS, I can get a local BTC Cellular prepaid card and shove it in.
I have had a galaxy of some sort for as long as I can remember. Most will tell it's what you are used to or like, ford vs chevy, Cherokee vs 172 yadda yadda. People always gave me a hard time about not having an iPhone, they say "that's because you are not used to it, if you had one you would love it". I now have two phones, my galaxy S7 is my personal phone and my work phone is an iPhone. I absolutely hate the iPhone, cant stand it. I was right, they were wrong. I have an iPad for flying only and partially regret that. I'm also a PC not mac, and wingx not foreflight guy so make of that what you will. My advice, if you have an android and like it, the grass is NOT GREENEER on the other side. My 2 cents.
I bought a Galaxy S8 a couple months ago after a number of years using Motorola phones. Why? Memory. The Motorola phones offered by Verizon had 16 GB of memory. That's not enough for Garmin Pilot with a full load of charts. The Galaxy S8 has 64 GB of memory. More than enough. I've been quite happy with it. I couldn't see spending the extra for the S9. YMMV.
I bought a Galaxy S8 a couple months ago after a number of years using Motorola phones. Why? Memory. The Motorola phones offered by Verizon had 16 GB of memory. That's not enough for Garmin Pilot with a full load of charts. The Galaxy S8 has 64 GB of memory. More than enough. I've been quite happy with it. I couldn't see spending the extra for the S9. YMMV.

I have a 32GB microSD card slid into my S8. Shouldn't run out any time soon. About 6000 photos, plus Avare with several sectionals and enroutes . . . .
I just bought an unlocked 32 GB Motorola Moto g6 at Costco (no Verizon bloatware). Happy with it so far.