Final Approach
If you browse the web consumer electronics forums you'll find plenty of people who report that the iPad screen broke or shattered during normal use.Find me an object of that weight - with glass covering the entire front - that can be dropped on his face onto hard cement and not break. It's a tricky balance making a display that'll look really good and be bulletproof.
Pretty much any smart phone will break in the same way if the point of impact is on the glass.
I've had no issues with it getting damaged in airplanes and yokes have been slammed into my iPad during control checks on more then one occasion.
BTW I looked carefully at my iPad after it fell. The point of impact was clearly the corner, in fact the aluminum edge was dented. After that it plopped onto its face, yes. But I just dropped my cellphone onto its face from a height of about 15 inches, onto my desk. Absolutely no damage. I've also dropped it from my pilot's seat face down onto the ramp, which is much higher than even from a restaurant seat, though it's hard to be certain it didn't roll over after hitting.
Of course only about half the cellphone's face is glass. But that's well over twice the distance it would take to crack the iPad's screen.