Taxi to Parking
OK - I'm new to this. Nexus 7, how do you view something that requires Flash player?
I was trying to view a video at a website and it said I need Flash but when I tried to install it, I found out it's not supported on this device.
Sorry, but this made me chuckle.
Jobs said that Flash didn't work well on mobile devices. (It didn't.)
Everyone swore up and down that Jobs was full of crap, that Flash was awesome, that Jobs and anyone who used his stuff was an idiot, etc. etc. etc.
Some companies forced Flash onto their devices. It worked somewhat.
Web developers, however, started using less Flash, to accommodate the Apple devices and others that didn't have flash. Around the same time, Apple changed their desktop browser (Safari) to run plug-ins like flash as separate processes. Suddenly, my browser stopped crashing - Only Flash crashed, and it was Flash all along.
Flash was designed for desktops, and it didn't always translate well to mobile. For example, on a desktop you can both hover over a spot on the screen, and you can click. On a mobile device, there's no distinction, so how do you interact with it the same way?
Eventually, about a year ago Adobe killed their mobile Flash development. So, Google et al removed it, since it's a dead technology.
Looks like Jobs was right after all.