Taxi to Parking
The real problem with the Mini today is the best processor available in in the Mini 4 is that it's stuck with the A8 processor and 2GB of RAM on board the ARM core. That's just not going to work for much longer with fat-ass apps and fat-ass iOS.
I love my mini, but a mini 4 can't be the replacement for my mini 2... it just isn't going to be viable for much longer.
I'm pretty much in exactly the same place as you there. Not liking it, either. I'm not updating to iOS 11 on the 2, either.
As an aside, it's interesting to see that Apple had the crap sued out of them for the A8 processor by an alumni association/incubator associated with the University of Wisconsin for patent infringement and Apple was told to pay half a billion dollars. Supposedly in appeal since Oct 2017.
WARF is an interesting beast. They get the patents on everything that university profs develop, and take all the money. They're pretty much a giant patent troll - But then they turn around and fund research with it, so they're harder to hate than your run-of-the-mill patent trolls.
@flyingcheesehead may like that one. Apple doing their usual stealing thing, like all of the big tech companies... Jobs proved it's more profitable to steal and negotiate settlements, than not, long long ago.[/quote]
Examples, please. Xerox PARC doesn't count, they didn't steal that, they were given it! (Pretty foolish on Xerox's part.)