iPad + Forflight + Stratus vs. GPS Map 696


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 10, 2014
Los Gatos, CA
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Bill Cary
Sold my RV6 2 years ago with a GPS 496. Now back into flying the rentals, I'm out of touch with flight planning equip. Would I want to spend the $$ on the iPAD plus Foreflight and/or Stratus, or go back to a GPS with all the goodies already there. Keep in mind I'm flying rentals and having to switch a/c. I do appreciate the larger screen of the iPAD over the GPS 696.
Thoughts please:confused:
PS. New to this sight
No way I'd buy a 696. I love my iPad mini w/ Foreflight and Stratus 2 combo.
Does the Stratus 2 add much beside expense? It appears the Foreflight includes most of the features of the Stratus. Please fill me in why one would justify an extra $800 over the $75 Foreflight?
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Frequently discussed... Use of the search feature on might find threads with the insight you desire in addition to replies that happen here...

My summary:
  • go with iPad and and the ADS-B receiver that works with your EFB of choice (FF, WX, Gpilot, etc).
  • iPad brings massive functionality outside of cockpit that the x96's won't have.
  • ADS-B brings weather and traffic data to your iPad at no cost beyond that of the ADS-B receiver. For x96, you need an XM-Weather subscription.
  • The EFB developers are publishing new and useful improvements as fast as they can code and test them. The enhancements to the x96 are pretty few and far between.
  • Portability of iPad and ADS-B receiver is a built in concept.
  • The iPad Mini is a nice size and form factor for aviation.
I think the iPad combos provide incredible functionality... but be sure to lower your expectations when it comes to screen. Compared to devices like the 696/796 or iFly or other aviation-specific devices, the screen on the iPad SUX. 'Virtually unreadable in direct sunlight, and subject to glare/reflections. Since it's mobile, at least you can usually position it so it is readable.
And much in the way of features? Yes
Much in the way of size? No
Much in the way of additional expense after purchase? No
Does the Stratus 2 add much beside expense?

ADS-B weather. When you need it, you need it (thunderstorm season), and you won't regret what you paid to get it.

Granted if you're not doing many cross countries you probably don't need it. If you pan on doing 300 mile + flights then totally worth it.
Thanks to you all. I've got some further research to catch up (per the note above) and some money to spend. Might find it all cheaper in Osh next month if I can wait.
And yet no one has mentioned the key issue - you can use the iPad for non-aviation apps. Read a book. Listen to music. Catch the latest news.
Does the Stratus 2 add much beside expense? It appears the Foreflight includes most of the features of the Stratus. Please fill me in why one would justify an extra $800 over the $75 Foreflight?
Make sure you understand what they are and what they do. As others said, there is plenty of information out there but here's the simple bottom line:

Foreflight is software. And app that runs on an iPad.

Stratus is hardware, a unit that provides ADS-B (weather and limited traffic information) and, in the case of the Stratus II, altitude and heading data.

Foreflight and Stratus have an exclusive relationship. The Stratus hardware only works with Foreflight; the only ADS-B unit Foreflight works with is Stratus.

Foreflight without Stratus will give you relatively* current weather information while on the ground. Foreflight with Stratus give you relatively* current weather, plus some traffic information, while in the air.

If you don't care about in-flight weather, you don't care about having a Stratus.

(*relatively current - weather, particularly NEXRad data being provided, whether on TV, over the internet, or by ADS-B or Sirius/XM) is subject to delays. You can't say that too often)
I don't have first hand knowledge of the 696, BUT:
I sold my 496 and went with iPad mini and stratus. It was a good decision that I am very happy with.
Why did you guys pick FF instead of Garmin Pilot? I'm trying to decide and the ~ thousand buck HW committment keeps me on the fence.
Why did you guys pick FF instead of Garmin Pilot? I'm trying to decide and the ~ thousand buck HW committment keeps me on the fence.

FF was one of the early horses that fielded most of the right features and did it well. WX was not far behind. Pilot wasn't the best to start with, but within the last 12-18 months have made some big improvements.

For now, I use FF primarily due to club providing a Stratus2 with the aircraft.

Not really for Android. There's and app with the WingX name for the Android platform from Hilton but that's where the similarity stops. It wouldn't even be considered a minor contender in the Android EFB world. Pretty much a simple weather app, nothing more.
Why did you guys pick FF instead of Garmin Pilot? I'm trying to decide and the ~ thousand buck HW committment keeps me on the fence.

AggieMike had the answer to why. Foreflight and WingX Pro were the early developers of the EFB for the iPad and spent a year or two leapfrogging each other with features and functionality before Garmin even entered the game.

Chances are early adopters made their WingX/Garmin choice based upon the features they had at the time and the UIs are different enough that we tend to stick with what has become familiar and comfortable.

Garmin Pilot does have 3 possible significant "advantages" (1) the $400 lb Garmin name, (2) UI and flow similarity with its other products (look at the main menu page for Pilot and the main menu page in an installed GNS 750; and (3) products for both iOS and Android.

For me, when I decided to get weather, it was close but after 2 years, I still like FF's "feel" better.
And yet no one has mentioned the key issue - you can use the iPad for non-aviation apps. Read a book. Listen to music. Catch the latest news.


My iPad is probably the single most useful piece of technology I've purchased in the last 20 years of being a technogeek. It's usefulness in the cockpit is amazing, but it's capabilities beyond the cockpit are incredible. While the 696 is an great device, I would never consider purchasing it over an iPad. As a secondary device, maybe....but it's a really expensive secondary device.
Why did you guys pick FF instead of Garmin Pilot? I'm trying to decide and the ~ thousand buck HW committment keeps me on the fence.

Before committing to ANY app, TRY them all, including:

Garmin Pilot

I've listed them in my current order of preference, although positions 2 and 3 is a horse race. Each has their compelling features and their shortcomings. Try them all for the 30 day eval period before making a buy decision.
I'll add IFly GPS to the list. It runs, identically, on both platforms. I personally like WingX best and have/had subscriptions to most of them, but iFly deserves a good look too.
I know this thread is a year + old but there is some good information in it and I would like to add a couple of thoughts.
I have been using FF for 2 years now. I tried WingXpro (it had some good features but ultimately I didn't think it was as user friendly as FF), same goes for Garmin Pilot. Garmin has had a leg up on FF and other apps in that if you have a Garmin GPS such as a 430 or 530 then you could upload your flight plan from Garmin Pilot straight to it and save you time. Well FF has now partnered with Garmin and is offering the same feature, so I will be staying with FF.
Here is what comes to mind about ADSB. FF is only compatible with stratus for ADSB receivers. Garmin has its own ADSB receiver. So if your using FF and you have a Garmin GPS then you will have to buy and additional ADSB receiver (Stratus) to run FF, whereas having a G696, ADSB weather and traffic can be displayed on both a 530 and G696 reveived from your GTX 330es or equivalent that meets the 2020 requirement.
I have a 496 and a 430W in my Mooney but i still take my Firelight and Stratus 2 along for the ride.