If you ask me he new icon looks pretty ugly. I'd say since Jobs passed away apple is rolling downhill ...
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Still a smaller screen than the S4.
I am conflicted, i have the iPhone 4, and iPad.
I'm am seriously considering the S4, but not sure about the aviation apps. I use Foreflight on iPad and iPhone as backup.
Apple users are a bit odd. From what I've read, the new OSt resulted mainly from pressure just to change something because nothing had been changed for a while, which I find a bit odd. If you have something that seems to work very well, by all accounts, why change it just for the sake of change?
I'm running the beta now on my iphone 5. it's kinda cool.. Siri crashes my phone, and text messages don't scroll right.. Beta sw for the win
It isn't just Apple users, but the industry as a whole expects Apple to continue to crank out sea-change innovations and blockbuster products. That's a tall order for any company. Apple has made incremental improvements to iOS since the original iPhone in 2007, and they've really only needed incremental improvements because the first attempt was really, really good. Now, just as with automobiles, folks expect an "all new design" on something that is still really, really good.
Although I have no hands-on experience with iOS 7, based on the press coverage and the information that Apple has released, it appears that they're changing the "body panels" and leaving the core system mostly intact. Quite frankly, in my opinion, some of the "body panels" needed to be changed, because they were over-the-top hideous to begin with (the calendar and contacts apps come to mind.)
I guess I'm the odd guy out. I like when a system works well and the vendor leaves it that way. I guess I'm just a Luddite.
I guess I'm the odd guy out. I like when a system works well and the vendor leaves it that way. I guess I'm just a Luddite.
A lot of the pressure to change things in computers is industry driven, not really consumer driven.
Ask anyone what they really want their computing devices to do, and dig hard -- and the answers will be the same. No matter which flavor of computer tech they profess to be a fan of.
That's for the 10% who've actually thought about it, anyway. The rest just mill around, buying crap they don't need and being disappointed enough with it that they try again in a year or two.
The definition of insanity...
Unfortunately, most companies aren't terribly good at innovating these days.
If you know anything about Android phones you also know their apps are much more hardware and OS version specific.