iOS 6.1 upgrade


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Sep 6, 2011
Twin Cities, MN
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I just installed the 6.1 upgrade on my iPad 4. No glitches yet. Curious if anyone has run across any?
My phone didn't like it, had to do a restore, then it took. I normally do that anyway but didn't this time. So far so good

I dont know how, but I lost my App store icon.

I have looked in everyother app and cant find it. Guess I will be going to Apple store this week.
I dont know how, but I lost my App store icon.

I have looked in everyother app and cant find it. Guess I will be going to Apple store this week.

"There's an app for that" Sorry couldn't resist. Have you tried rebooting it? The red slider?
I did it with no problems on an iPhone 4.
Try this:

Go to spotlight search (from the home screen, press the bottom button either once or twice), then type "app" and see if it comes up there.

I dont know how, but I lost my App store icon.

I have looked in everyother app and cant find it. Guess I will be going to Apple store this week.
I dont know how, but I lost my App store icon.

I have looked in everyother app and cant find it. Guess I will be going to Apple store this week.

Hmmm....are they trying to tell you something? Shopping too much? :D
1) On the iPad, it refused to load the Google Maps app at first, had to try 3 times to get it to load (and finally did via the store app on the device). Sure wish that Google had released the map app customized for the iPad.
2) In one of the App Store tabs on the device, I get an error message, but the other screens are OK. Annoying, but not a show-stopper.
Try this:

Go to spotlight search (from the home screen, press the bottom button either once or twice), then type "app" and see if it comes up there.

That's what I was gonna say.

Updated the iPhone 4S this morning, no problems noted.

iPad 1 still doesn't support it, and I wouldn't upgrade if it did - The iOS 5 update really killed the speed.
One thing I noticed is that after I updated my Iphone, several of the purchase apps I got for my Ipad, which I synch on the same computer and Itunes setup (if that makes a difference, I don't know) now appear on my Iphone.
I tried to update my 4S phone last night. It said downloading for hours, and showed a progress bar about 80%. When I got up this morning, it was stuck on "Checking for Software Updates". I finally rebooted it and it is still on the old version. I will try again tonight, I guess.
1) On the iPad, it refused to load the Google Maps app at first, had to try 3 times to get it to load (and finally did via the store app on the device). Sure wish that Google had released the map app customized for the iPad.

You've identified one problem with Google apps - and really with Android tablets overall. When you spend most of your energy coding for the Android platform, with devices in all manner of formats and resolutions, you get in that mode of writing one that can adapt to all easily. Why spend time writing a HD app for the iPad specifically?

I think the only iOS HD app that Google bothered with was Google Earth and if they had it to do all over again now I bet they wouldn't have even done that one.
You've identified one problem with Google apps - and really with Android tablets overall. When you spend most of your energy coding for the Android platform, with devices in all manner of formats and resolutions, you get in that mode of writing one that can adapt to all easily. Why spend time writing a HD app for the iPad specifically?

Apps are not necessarily specific to the iPhone or the iPad - One app can work on both. It simply needs views set up for one or the other, or both. It's all up to the developer. They can write separate apps (and some do just to be able to charge you twice), or they can write one app with views for both devices. So, they wouldn't have to "write an HD app" as you put it - They'd just have to be a bit less lazy about what they're doing. In fact, Apple's old Maps app (the one that used Google) had very little different between the iPhone and iPad versions, and Google's wouldn't need to either. I would bet that one good developer could have it done in two hours or less. Google Fail.
Apps are not necessarily specific to the iPhone or the iPad - One app can work on both. It simply needs views set up for one or the other, or both. It's all up to the developer. They can write separate apps (and some do just to be able to charge you twice), or they can write one app with views for both devices. So, they wouldn't have to "write an HD app" as you put it - They'd just have to be a bit less lazy about what they're doing. In fact, Apple's old Maps app (the one that used Google) had very little different between the iPhone and iPad versions, and Google's wouldn't need to either. I would bet that one good developer could have it done in two hours or less. Google Fail.

That's what I was speaking of - the "view" or visual interface. Google's culture seems to be one size fits all for an equally mediocre presentation on every device which makes sense on the Android platform with its many manufacturers and models. iOS culture is to write apps specifically tailored to each device screen format and size (yes I know there is some crossover but Google seems notorious).

Though the mini throws a wrench into that.
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That's what I was speaking of - the "view" or visual interface. Google's culture seems to be one size fits all for an equally mediocre presentation on every device which makes sense on the Android platform with its many manufacturers and models. iOS culture is to write apps specifically tailored to each device screen format and size (yes I know there is some crossover but Google seems notorious).

Though the mini throws a wrench into that.

Not much of one. It's got the same resolution as the first two iPads, and the screen didn't get all that much smaller (it's smaller, but there's no borders around the edges either).

That was probably a smart move for the first generation - By using an existing screen resolution, developers didn't have to do a darn thing to get their apps working on the Mini - They just worked exactly as they would on an iPad 1 or 2.
Updated my 3Gs with no problem. And yes I keep my toys until they no longer work. ;)

iPad 3 updated without issue, but will give it a few more days/weeks before i drop it on my phone. Btw, it takes more than 2 hours to spin out an HD version. It's not hard, but you have to make sure everything moves to its new place well, such as error messages, dialogs, and buttons, etc. Plus QA, because similar enough hardware across devices still leaves plenty of opportunities for things to break.
There was one minor issue with the update on the phone. It removed my data connection so I have re-enter the data network in the settings and then restart the phone.

Never had a single problem upgrading 'Droid software. I find it absolutely hilarious the amount of problems apple products have with, well, everything yet people think their OS is the best thing since thong underwear.
Never had a single problem upgrading 'Droid software. I find it absolutely hilarious the amount of problems apple products have with, well, everything yet people think their OS is the best thing since thong underwear.

Yeah, well, we get to upgrade ours as soon as the new OS comes out, we don't have to wait for another hardware manufacturer to bless it. ;)

And frankly, there aren't that many problems. The most frequent problems are related to the number of people who are all trying to get an update simultaneously.