iOS 11 “Whack-a-Mole” game


Final Approach
Gone West
Sep 19, 2005
Santa Rosita State Park, under the big 'W'
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E-mail from Foreflight at 10:30 this morning:
Compatibility testing between ForeFlight and iOS 11.1 is complete and we are issuing the “all-clear” to ForeFlight customers.

E-mail from Foreflight at 3:00 this afternoon:
We are performing compatibility testing between ForeFlight and the newly released iOS 11.1.1 to ensure that everything is working smoothly. We will notify you with an “all-clear” when testing is completed.​
The more bloat added to anything results in a death spiral of fixes to fix a fix to fix a............

E-mail from Foreflight at 10:30 this morning:
Compatibility testing between ForeFlight and iOS 11.1 is complete and we are issuing the “all-clear” to ForeFlight customers.

E-mail from Foreflight at 3:00 this afternoon:
We are performing compatibility testing between ForeFlight and the newly released iOS 11.1.1 to ensure that everything is working smoothly. We will notify you with an “all-clear” when testing is completed.
Groan. I ain't gettin off 10.3 until it isn't working anymore.
Well just goes to show no one is perfect.
I have to admit I haven't been all that impressed with iOS 11. I did like iOS 10 though.
I don't know how the folks at Foreflight are getting anything else done these days. Maybe they're not. Both 10 and 11 seem to require weekly updates/fixes.

Some of my apps are regularly locking up and/or crashing these days, never did before. The iPad itself locked up twice yesterday...that definely never happened before. Running 11.1

Doesn't give one much faith.
I'm going to remain at 10.3.3 until the apps start to run badly.
I switched to eleven point whatever some time ago. Haven't had any problems with Foreflight or anything else, other than the devices getting slower.
Haven’t had any issues with FF, but my iPhone 7 has been locking up constantly since 11 came out.
I watched someone struggling their way around their new iPhone X this evening without a home button. LOL. They’re kinda getting the hang of it. But not quite yet.
Do you guys have tons of CrApps on your devices?
Unless I need to I don't "upgrade" my OS, I've yet to see one that's slimmer and faster than its predecessor, and frankly I don't need more emojis or more camera filters.

E-mail today:

“Dear Customer,

We are performing compatibility testing between ForeFlight and the newly released iOS 11.1.2 to ensure that everything is working smoothly. We will notify you with an “all-clear” when testing is completed.”​
I updated to 11.1.2 earlier in the week (even though I haven't seen a "Foreflight all clear" yet) in the hopes that my crashing issues would be resolved.

No such luck.

A few of my regularly used apps still crash frequently. Gmail crashed three times yesterday morning as I was composing an extended email. (Thank god everything was saved as a draft every time I relaunched).

Apple's own news app crashes two or three times every morning as I'm sipping on coffee perusing the morning's headlines.


Haven't had it completely lock up for a week or so though like it used to...

Longing for 9.x.x

(Full size Air 2)
I keep asking myself, are all the companies on a quest to slow down their devices with updates so I'll buy the newer ones?

Roger, that's a big Delta Uniform Hotel

maddening, to say the least..
(Full size Air 2)

I am still running 10.3.3 on my Air 2.
Is there a way to shut down the random pop-ups demanding I schedule the new iOS download?
I am still running 10.3.3 on my Air 2.
Is there a way to shut down the random pop-ups demanding I schedule the new iOS download?

Go to Settings -> General -> Storage & iCloud Usage -> Manage Storage -> Used

In the list will be iOS something. Tap on that then tap delete update. This will delete the pending update and remove the nag messages.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Go to Settings -> General -> Storage & iCloud Usage -> Manage Storage -> Used

In the list will be iOS something. Tap on that then tap delete update. This will delete the pending update and remove the nag messages.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Can you delete it if on a new ipad? I just ordered the Ipad Pro just to use in the plane so I would imagine it will have the latest iOS but haven't received it yet.
Can you delete it if on a new ipad? I just ordered the Ipad Pro just to use in the plane so I would imagine it will have the latest iOS but haven't received it yet.

No, I don’t belive you can downgrade iOS versions unless you have a backup somewhere from that iPad which was made when the iPad had a previous version. With a new one, you’re likely stuck with what it comes with. My trick above only gets rid of the nag messages when your iPad (or iPhone) automatically downloads the update and nags you to install it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Go to Settings -> General -> Storage & iCloud Usage -> Manage Storage -> Used

In the list will be iOS something. Tap on that then tap delete update. This will delete the pending update and remove the nag messages.
Post of the year, thank you.
I just realized that with my ipad's update to ios 11, I lost the ability to print wirelessly to my HP officejet pro 8600. Did a search and it looks like a widespread problem.

Niiiiiiiice Apple. Really nice.
I just realized that with my ipad's update to ios 11, I lost the ability to print wirelessly to my HP officejet pro 8600. Did a search and it looks like a widespread problem.

Niiiiiiiice Apple. Really nice.
They're all getting that bad.

I haven't updated to iOS 11 as a satellite pointer app is incompatible. And they haven't updated it.

High Sierra has a security bug.

Firefox's latest update rendered Lastpass so it won't save it's status in private mode, and uBlock origin won't update in private mode. Either let programs track you or see ads.

Chrome won't support DuckDuckGo as a default search engine without using add-ons.

Windows 10 Pro's last feature upgrade installed itself, despite having "defer upgrades" turned on, and it deleted a couple of photo manipulation progams I had. And it regularly rearranges my desktop icons rather than leaving them the way I had them arranged.

FreeBSD requires configuration with each upgrade. Some flavors of Linux are better, but you still need to verify functionality.

It's almost as if you don't really own your computer, because the OS manufacturers make it damn hard to use the programs and features you want.
It's almost as if you don't really own your computer, because the OS manufacturers make it damn hard to use the programs and features you want.

Welcome to the rental software world. Nobody wants to put their name on anything as “done” and have to support their bad code for a decade, anymore.
iOS 11.2 appears to have stabilized my iGadgets by the way, FWIW.

At the expense of even worse battery life. Holy crap whatever it’s doing in the background now sure eats ‘em.
I haven't tried these iOS 11 battery saving ideas, so I don't know whether they help, but for what it's worth:

Yeah, appreciate the thought but I’ve already been down that path. Plus I can kill everything and the phone will be dead in about four hours. Some of that is age of the phone and number of lithium battery cycles, but that was already a problem before the iOS upgrade.

iOS 11 just sucks down more power, apparently.
Yeah, appreciate the thought but I’ve already been down that path. Plus I can kill everything and the phone will be dead in about four hours. Some of that is age of the phone and number of lithium battery cycles, but that was already a problem before the iOS upgrade.

iOS 11 just sucks down more power, apparently.

Understood, but for someone like me who hasn't tried those ideas, do they make a worthwhile difference, in your experience?
My Motorola Droid Turbo and my iPad Air 2 were both released and purchased about the same time...just a touch over 3 years ago.

My Droid just hums along with no problems, plenty fast, plenty of memory, no operational or battery issues.

My iPad is quickly becoming a brick and everything is regularly crashing and locking up (and there's not much on it, I've taken most other aps off of it in an attempt to preserve foreflight's functionality).

If it weren't for foreflight I'd never own an iThingy.

In fact, I may have to start exploring alternatives because I'm beginning to hate apple that badly and I've advised foreflight of this attitude. Suggest you do the same if you share it.

F apple.
You guys sure like to *****. My two minis, iPhone 7plus, and Mac are all running great and I do every update when they come out. Garmin Pilot has never missed a beat. If you prefer android? Good for you.
You guys sure like to *****. My two minis, iPhone 7plus, and Mac are all running great and I do every update when they come out. Garmin Pilot has never missed a beat. If you prefer android? Good for you.
my ***** is that I only bought an ipad because of foreflight. I was an early adopter and bought my first ipad shortly after foreflight was introduced (my first download was V4.1 in 2011). Since then I've been forced to upgrade my ipads at least twice as often as either my droid phones or windows computers. I just bought a new laptop...first one since 2011 and the old one still works relatively well. I also bought my first iPad in 2011 and I'm four down that road from that one already.
Understood, but for someone like me who hasn't tried those ideas, do they make a worthwhile difference, in your experience?

Well, four hours of battery life on a device that once had 8. You be the judge. It’s even been replaced once for other reasons so the battery is newer than it would be if I had the original device by about a year.

You guys sure like to *****. My two minis, iPhone 7plus, and Mac are all running great and I do every update when they come out. Garmin Pilot has never missed a beat. If you prefer android? Good for you.

I assume your minis aren’t stock. I have two and both work great, but the High Sierra update blew one of them up so bad it wouldn’t even boot. Instant kernel panic. Time Machine backup restored it two hours later, of course, but their software quality has gone in the crapper. Those minis would be long dead with the bloat if it weren’t for putting Samsung SSDs in them.

Of course new minis were glued shut again, because Cook wants to be the new Scully. And then ... what minis? LOL. Last Macs you could easily work on until Cook gets himself canned. Please dear God, someone fire him. Touchbar, Pencil, and iPads bigger than laptops. He’s a moron.

iPhone 7?! That’s what? A whopping two years old? Come back and let us know how it’s doing in year three. I’ve got an original MacBook here. Black even. It’s a nice doorstop unless you load Linux on it. Works fine with that.

Not sure what Garmin Pilot has to do with Apple’s software quality. Nothing really.

But if you’re coming to the Apple world in mini and iPhone 7 Days, you missed the good years. Barely caught the tail end of them. They’re well into bitrot and software decline now. Which means they’re about on par with Android. Apps are better but that’ll be fixed by devs who ignored Android or gave it only a half assed effort until Samsung, LG, and various others all kicked Apple’s butt on all specs this year.

When your flagship $1200 phone is almost matched by LG, you’re in trouble. Or you’ve decided to phone it in. Either way, not good. Hell even Google made a reasonable contender, and they don’t even control their own manufacturing.
Well, four hours of battery life on a device that once had 8. You be the judge. It’s even been replaced once for other reasons so the battery is newer than it would be if I had the original device by about a year.
Yes, I understand that the iOS "upgrade" shortened battery life. I was just wondering whether the ideas in the article mitigated the problem to any noticeable degree.
I assume your minis aren’t stock. I have two and both work great, but the High Sierra update blew one of them up so bad it wouldn’t even boot. Instant kernel panic. Time Machine backup restored it two hours later, of course...
Are you saying that Time Machine works with iOS devices? All the Google hits I got seem to refer to MacOS.
Are you saying that Time Machine works with iOS devices? All the Google hits I got seem to refer to MacOS.

High Sierra doesn’t go on iOS devices. That was a reference to the minis. Of which there are two in my Apple “ecosystem”... which isn’t so much an ecosystem anymore now that I’ve kicked iTunes out of my life forever...

Technically when iTunes would do proper local iOS backups, Time Machine would then back up the computer including those on-disk iOS backup files, and yes, you could extract an iOS backup from the sparseimage file, and shove it back into iTunes and restore it to an iOS device, but that’s a somewhat advanced topic. ;) I’ve extracted a couple of years of text messages from one once that way, and restored them to iOS, but it was somewhat painful.

Really the only “killer app” apple has left anymore is iMessage, since there is nothing that truly integrates mobile and desktop messaging that everyone on Android has by default. Forwarding SMS from your carrier to Google Hangouts is about as good as it gets, and that’s not as well integrated as Apple, because Apple forces carriers to send them all your SMS first, before you get it, by default, so they can control the messaging experience.

If they ever get the much touted ability to sync message DELETES across mobile and desktop truly working, that’s a big deal. It’s annoying to sit down at supposedly “integrated” messaging on the desktop and see twenty “new” messages you already answered and deleted on your phone, and see those same message and a badge two days later on your tablet, and again on the office Mac on Monday... they’ve needed to fix that for a very long time.

Even the dumbest email server doesn’t do that and hasn’t since everyone dumped POP3 for IMAP long long ago. Even “offline” or with a network failure, email clients will catch up later and clear the crud when they’re back online.

SMS is a mess. Apple’s implementation is half-finished, and has been for a decade, but beats everyone else’s.

It’s funny. People dumped email for SMS and really they’re the exact same thing, with SMS being the special needs little brother of email who can’t ditch his association with a phone number.

Which partially drove Local Number Portability. If LNP hadn’t been done, we’d all just have “instant email” clients and not know the difference, but without size limitations and the inability to transport multimedia for half a decade.

Basically we all waited around for a decade for SMS to catch up to email, and it’s still not quite there. The kids like it though. LOL. Emojis attach to emails just fine...
High Sierra doesn’t go on iOS devices. That was a reference to the minis. Of which there are two in my Apple “ecosystem”... which isn’t so much an ecosystem anymore now that I’ve kicked iTunes out of my life forever...
I didn't know about the Mac Mini. I thought you were talking about iPad Minis.

In the words of the late, great Roseanne Roseannadanna, "Never mind." :oops:
Here's an interesting data point that was in today's news:

Based on anecdotal observation, many iPhone users have long believed that older iPhones get slower over time. Generally, people have assumed that this is because of new features and additions in new versions of iOS that are better optimized for the latest phones.
But Reddit user and Geekbench developer John Poole has a compelling new theory, backed up by benchmarks: the iPhone may throttle performance to preserve battery life as the battery degrades.
Several days ago, Reddit user TeckFire posted a report to the iPhone subreddit stating that, after experiencing slowdown on their iPhone 6S, they replaced the battery with a new one and saw significant improvements in benchmarks