Interview, how it went;


Pattern Altitude
Nov 28, 2011
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Got into the hotel at SAV about midnight, requested a 7AM wake-up.
and went to bed.
Woke up about 04:30, 05:00, 05:30, etc. Got the 7am call, got up to get ready. Arrived at GS at about 09:00 for a 9:50 appointment.
Went to the FBO next door and hung out for a bit.
Got to the interview about 5 min. early, and had to wait in the guard shack for about 3 min. :rolleyes:

A couple of guys came in and introduced themselves, and First thought through my head was "I'm over dressed". Well the hiring manager finally showed up, and he looked like he'd slept in his clothes.

Sat down at the table and the grilling began. Which quickly turned into a B.S. session about the various nuances, and techniques of the job in question.
After the interview, I got the canned response, "thank you, we'll be in touch."

I then went over to tour the 8th Airforce Museum. Interesting place.

On the way home, I kept second guessing myself, why didn't I say this or that? I should have done this....

Anyway, I may or may not hear back from them.
But they paid all my travel expenses, and I got to tour the museum, and hobnob with some nice folks at the FBO next door.
I was wonderin' if I'd hear from you. PM sent. I live near the Mighty 8th should a gave me ring.
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