Touchdown! Greaser!
Yesterday I decided to fly from Venice (VNC) to Page Field in Ft Myers FL to visit a friend. VNC has two (four if your counting both directions) operational runways 22/4 and 31/13. The ASOS was OTS but the wind was clearl blowing from the SE at about 15 Kt so I taxied out to 13 which was also well aligned with my direction of flight. As I headed that way and during my runnup I listened to the CTAF and heard a couple aircraft using runway 4. The departure ends of 4 and 13 are hidden from each other by a stand of trees so I couldn't visually check for anyone departing from 4. After one of the two airplanes I heard on the CTAF announced turning crosswind and the other completed a T&G I announced (twice IIRC) that I was departing to the south on runway 13 and started to roll. Fortunately I was fairly light and got airborne in about 1000 ft because as I reached the end of the trees I found another Cessna on a takeoff roll along runway 4 about to cross in front of me. IIRC the trees end about 500 ft prior to the intersection but it could be a bit further, all I really know for certain is that I didn't see the Cessna until he was very close and I had just broken ground. Our paths were such that I went directly over or slightly behind him at the intersection of the two runways. He was still on the ground at that point and I was probably 500 feet AGL when we crossed. I plan to submit a ASRS report on this but still don't know what I could have done to avoid the situation. I suppose I could have taxied around to rwy 4 but that was about a mile and a half away and the wind clearly favored rwy 13 (per the wind sock alongside 13 it was about 110 at 15Kt) plus I figured that by taking off to the SE I'd be clear of the pattern traffic more quickly than a departure to the NE and then then circumnavigating the airport would allow. All I can think of is to never depart from a crossing runway that doesn't have visibility to/from the other. I don't think I ever considered putting the Baron back on the runway (which probably would have led to a collision), but I did think about turning to the right in the air if I didn't have vertical separation (for instance if he lifted off sooner). I'm not sure he ever saw me either.
What do any of you have to offer on this?
What do any of you have to offer on this?
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