

Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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We made the big move from Iowa to Georgia nearly two weeks ago. Since then, we have been without 'real' internet and have been squinting to use our phones for bare necessities of internet access.

Today around 1pm, after a nearly two hour phone call with AT&T tech support last night, I got the internet up and running. Man.. You don't realize how much you depend on it until it isn't readily available. We even went as far as sitting in a Chik-Fil-A parking lot to use their WiFi to make sure we had our old and new bank accounts situated to be able to cover our automatic withdrawals next week.

But we're back on the information superhighway and playing catch-up on nearly 500 unread PoA posts.
Do you have the RV with you?

Nope. :( But I did have lunch with a local group of 15-20 RV guys last Tuesday. VERY active RV group in this area, so hopefully I can at least snag some right/back seat time.
Well you'll have to start buidlng right quick so you can make the FlyBQ. Aw hell your in Lanta theres always AirTran LOL:rolleyes:
Welcome back! As my wife and I say...we will dump satellite/cable before we ever dump high-speed internet.

BTW, where did you move to?
Well you'll have to start buidlng right quick so you can make the FlyBQ. Aw hell your in Lanta theres always AirTran LOL:rolleyes:

Rachel is already keeping an eye on airline rates. ;)

Welcome back! As my wife and I say...we will dump satellite/cable before we ever dump high-speed internet.

BTW, where did you move to?

We are in the southeast edge of Fayetteville. About 15 min drive from Tara Field and about 20 min drive from FFC. I had lunch with the Falcon RV guys this week and they seem to have an active group over at FFC. I've only been down to Tara Field once last Saturday, and everything was buttoned up. Where's the best place to rent around here?

and how are you enjoying the warmer weather?

Well, it hasn't been as warm as we were hoping, but compared to where we moved from in Iowa, it is a heat wave. Supposed to be up near 50 by the end of next week, though. That will be a welcome change. ;)
Well, it hasn't been as warm as we were hoping, but compared to where we moved from in Iowa, it is a heat wave. Supposed to be up near 50 by the end of next week, though. That will be a welcome change. ;)

I spoke to a friend in Atlanta this morning. They are having UNSEASONABLY cold weather. It is colder than it is here. Doug said it was sub-20 the past few nights and he thinks it might be mid-20s during the day, there.

That's really unusual. I've been there in January and it was coat weather, but that's it (more like early November weather, here). I've been there in March and it was already pretty warm.

I had lunch with the Falcon RV guys this week and they seem to have an active group over at FFC.
There's also a big active RV group at my airport 9A1 in Covington. Good group of guys....all solidly in the 20.5th century :rolleyes: