Touchdown! Greaser!
Dave Krall CFII said:A zero reaction-time lag for your film shows just how close a from 500ft AGL turn could be with God only knows how many seconds of lag time.
BTW: Do you use stick or cursor controls?
Stick. I am ..fairly good with the C172SP and Extra 300S in flight sim.. I've had another PPL try this same thing, he spun it in the first three times. People don't realize that you have to get that NOSE DOWN and STEEP TURN in.. like NOW..
I've done it at altitude a few times in a 172. Right now I use 800 ft as my number. Right before I takeoff I touch the spot on the altimeter where I would turn back. If I am alone I'll say it verbally " at x feet we turn back".. I keep a pretty good eye on the engine instruments and altimeter every takeoff. I personally think I wouldn't have much of a WTF factor because I am almost expecting it to happen.