Taxi to Parking
I'd also love to know what anyone thinks of taking a Mooney Encore in there. I just worked through a landing roll calculation. I used the following:
- 30 degrees C (it's usually a few degrees cooler but it can get this high)
- Half fuel (I'd likely have much less if coming from FL or Bahamas)
- Weight for myself and my gf plus luggage
- 8kts headwind (the sock was fully extended every time I saw it on this trip, which should be at least 15kts)
I get 1120ft stopping distance. That seems pretty safe inside the 1650 usable, as long as I get practice and instruction. Thoughts?
Do lots of short-field practice elsewhere first.
Do you have speed brakes?
I fly an Ovation - I landed at a field in the Bahamas last year that was around 2000 feet. Should have been OK according to performance charts, but it was probably my scariest landing ever - There was a road at the end of the runway at an angle to the runway, and I had to make the turn onto the road to avoid going into the drink.
A few things came together to cause it: Winds at pattern altitude were opposite winds on the ground, and there was no windsock or other obvious indication of that. Since then, I now have reason to believe my ASI may read a bit fast. And, there was very poor traction on the runway. So, that means I ended up with an airspeed a few knots too fast AND a tailwind and poor braking effectiveness. It was not fun.
I'm spoiled by all the nicely paved 3000+ foot runways in the CONUS... Next time I'll do some more short field practice first and a low pass or three to have a better idea of surface winds and conditions.
But looking at St. Barts, I probably wouldn't try it in a Mooney without speed brakes - That's a pretty steep approach angle for a slick airplane to keep from speeding up.
I hope it works out for you, let us know how it goes!