Here is an interesting question. I'm not instrument rated. Let's say I call up Boston approach asking to do the practice ILS 14 at Nashua (OK, the GS is out of service right now due to construction, but lets assume it works
![Smile :) :)](
). Approach is aware that I am a VFR aircraft requesting practice approaches and they have given me the instruction to "maintain VFR". They then give me vectors to the final approach course.
Eventually they give me the standard "turn left heading 140, maintain 3000 'til established,
cleared ILS 14 Approach" and I read it back following the procedure ATC expects.
Did I just accept an IFR clearance in violation of the FARs?
I haven't done this alone, but experienced this exact scenario with a CFI in the plane. Since the CFI was instrument rated I see no issue but what if the only pilot/both pilots are VFR only? If it matters when I've encountered this it is the same controller on initial call up so they do know we are VFR.