Inside the Playboy Jet

Wow, what a time capsule. Love the background music.

Thanks for posting!
His first jet I believe was a DC-9-15 all black....I bet that thing got hot in more ways than one
Even cooler than Austin Powers' 747 (which was of course a tribute).

I love all the now-antiquated gadgets! 8-track player, 2" video tape deck...

I laughed at the motorized swivel chairs at first, then thought about what could happen sitting in a freely-swiveling chair aboard an aircraft in flight. The disco must have been interesting in turbulence... :D
The pilot sure seemed happy.
Elvis had better taste...

You really have to hand it to ol Hugh.... He lived the high life back when JetA was .015 cents a gallon, the JT8D's smoked like a freight train and no one bitched, A STD was cured with a shot or two of penicillin and not a AIDS death sentence in sight. I bet it would have taken several cosmetic procedure doctors to remove that big smile he had on his face 24/7..... Those were the good old days for sure.:wink2::cheerswine::cheerswine:.

Those were the days. Glad I lived through them.
For a time, Ozark provided pilots and maintenance for the Bunny Bird. Got a close look at it once at ORD, but no one was allowed to go aboard.

One of thew guys who has occasion to fly it told me he was treated like "one of the help", not the usual way a pilot of a big jet was treated in those days. Taxi driver.