In the sky over Kansas


Line Up and Wait
Jul 2, 2007
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I saw this near our airport HUT last week. This looked more fun than going back home to fallen powerlines and broken branches.



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I hope there's a VOR out there somewhere, otherwise someone got a little lost!
I just wonder who came up with the STC to make a Malibu fly with a 55-gallon drum in place of the engine and propeller!
Unable to make contrails in a piston, I wonder if it's possible to fit airshow-type smoke to a C-172. Wouldn't that be a fun way to see if you maintained altitude on steep turns? :)
I'm sure you could - it's just dumping a chemical into the exhaust pipe that makes the smoke...
The drum is only the ballast for our new glider conversion. Many Malibus became a glider ruining people's day, so now we will start out it out right with no engine.
I just wish the owner would sign the work order or come glide it away. It's been here to way long.

Regards, Kevin
The drum is only the ballast for our new glider conversion. Many Malibus became a glider ruining people's day, so now we will start out it out right with no engine.
I just wish the owner would sign the work order or come glide it away. It's been here to way long.

Regards, Kevin

Son, that there is funny! :yes: