I didn't know Sharon was a piot, it didn't matter. What I did find was that Sharon and Greg were awfully nice folks as we walked the river with them a few years back. We haven't been able to make it back the last two years but will in the future. What I did pick up on though was that Sharon knew and awful lot about the 190. :smile:
If airplanes had license plates, Sharon could always get one like the one on my wife's car - "Mine. Not his. Not ours. Mine." I had that made for her after I saw on like it on another Jeep 10 years ago.

I like that...or would consider..."MINE...ALL MINE":smile:
Did I mention she needs to change her handle to "Bockelwoman?"

Mike, bockwoman is short for Bockelwoman...try typing that in everytime you need to log-in (I don't do computer remember password stuff).:yesnod:
I didn't know Sharon was a piot, it didn't matter. What I did find was that Sharon and Greg were awfully nice folks as we walked the river with them a few years back. We haven't been able to make it back the last two years but will in the future. What I did pick up on though was that Sharon knew and awful lot about the 190. :smile:

I sure am glad, Dave, that we had a chance to meet fellow pilot to piot...:rofl:
I didn't know Sharon was a piot, it didn't matter. What I did find was that Sharon and Greg were awfully nice folks as we walked the river with them a few years back. We haven't been able to make it back the last two years but will in the future. What I did pick up on though was that Sharon knew and awful lot about the 190. :smile:

You better make it back!!!! Hey I'll be in town the weekend of July 18th... doning anything?
Will you never learn, you just get out of hot water and you dive right back it. Do like I do and only say nice things about people. :smile: :rolleyes:

Actually, Bob, this isn't the first time Spike has called me by the name, "Bockelbabe"...if the shoe fits, I will wear it!...:wonderwoman:
You better make it back!!!! Hey I'll be in town the weekend of July 18th... doning anything?

I'm planning on it, Will try for next year. It's been a long dry 4 months with a few more to go I suspect. :mad3: I'm sure we'll be in town on the 18th, just not sure what shape I'll be in at that time. :nonod: