Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
I assumened Leah was a pilot and was wong! Tony get cracking!
once she buys me an airplane i'll teach her how to fly
I assumened Leah was a pilot and was wong! Tony get cracking!
Did I mention she needs to change her handle to "Bockelwoman?"
Why? It is HER screen name for whatever reasons she chooses.
I *still* want to know what happened to bockwomen 1 & 2???
If airplanes had license plates, Sharon could always get one like the one on my wife's car - "Mine. Not his. Not ours. Mine." I had that made for her after I saw on like it on another Jeep 10 years ago.
Did I mention she needs to change her handle to "Bockelwoman?"
I didn't know Sharon was a piot, it didn't matter. What I did find was that Sharon and Greg were awfully nice folks as we walked the river with them a few years back. We haven't been able to make it back the last two years but will in the future. What I did pick up on though was that Sharon knew and awful lot about the 190. :smile:
Did I mention she needs to change her handle to "Bockelwoman?"
I didn't know Sharon was a piot, it didn't matter. What I did find was that Sharon and Greg were awfully nice folks as we walked the river with them a few years back. We haven't been able to make it back the last two years but will in the future. What I did pick up on though was that Sharon knew and awful lot about the 190. :smile:
Naw, it's "BockelBabe."
Will you never learn, you just get out of hot water and you dive right back it. Do like I do and only say nice things about people. :smile:
You better make it back!!!! Hey I'll be in town the weekend of July 18th... doning anything?