Importance of Religion in Your Life

How often do you go to church/synagogue/temple?

  • At least once a week

    Votes: 16 21.6%
  • Once a month on average

    Votes: 4 5.4%
  • Weddings and funerals

    Votes: 34 45.9%
  • Never

    Votes: 20 27.0%

  • Total voters
bbchien said:
I still have bursitis in my left elbow from a whack out of noplace from Sister Mary Prefect of Discipline. Seems when I was in 7th grade and changing classes on the landing, I was talking in the hall. I really don't think I was talking- I wasn't with any friends at that moment. The crack was so electrical (ulnar nerve charlie horse) that I dropped all my books.

Said to my Father, "I'm not going back to that school" Said he, "Public education for you, son!".

The institutions of man leave a lot to be desired.

Dr. B.,

I can relate. The scar from the ruler to the back of my hand (for writing in red and underlining in black) is barely noticeable today. :<)

Some things have changed from my days at St. Williams. These days, if you were talking in line at Ss. Philip & James (where my boys go) you would receive a "color change", probably from green to yellow. You "go to red" for serious offenses or same day repeat offenses.

Mom or dad signs your homework and calendar each night. The calendar is where the color change is noted. Mom or dad would have to sign the note you have to write explaining your actions that resulted in the color change and what you are going to do in the future to avoid color changes.

Get enough color changes during the month (3 or 4) and the rest of the class gets some special privilege while you get to remain in the class room doing something less enjoyable.

The discipline is still there just not the bruises.

Len Lanetti said:
The discipline is still there just not the bruises.


Boy things have changed Len. I went to public school because my parents had a bad experience trying to enroll me in our parishes' Catholic school. However, in order to "learn" how to be Catholic I had to attend both Sunday school and then summer school. Just what a kid wants to do during summer break! The nuns knew they only had us for four weeks or so, therefore they ran the place like an internment camp. They were a cross between the SS and Gestapo, especially when you were getting trained for Confirmation. Step out of line and you were dead or worse. I got yelled at for rubbing my eye once. Made Luft Stalag 9 look like Gitmo. :)
Anthony said:
Step out of line and you were dead or worse.


I think back and wonder how the nuns got us to learn anything. There were over 180 kids spread across three classes in my 8th grade graduating class, over 60 kids per class.

Len Lanetti said:
The discipline is still there just not the bruises. Len
The problem is/was that is was not discipline. It's only discipline if it's consistent, nonabusive, and understood. It was abuse. Discipline is what you learn in the USN.
bbchien said:
The problem is/was that is was not discipline. It's only discipline if it's consistent, nonabusive, and understood. It was abuse. Discipline is what you learn in the USN.


The "system" they have in place at David & Matthew's grade school meets your guidelines above.

All the kids and parents know the rules. It was well explained at the start of the year. David & Matthew were new to this school this year and the teachers went out of their way to make sure they kids, Karen and I knew the deal. Other kids also went out of their way to make sure David and Matt knew the rules as well (certain violations cause repercussions for the class).

All eight grades use the same process with only variations based on the age of the kids. For example, the younger kids get more latitude in number of color changes per month before the reward is held back, older kids get different rewards.

Punishment is not abusive in that it consists of the kids having to write a paragraph explaining their actions and (for David & Matt's grade) they miss watching a movie at the end of the month (actually, the kids get to earn back color changes by doing good deeds during the month, so, if they think it through they can actually see the movie at the end of the month if they've goofed up a bit during the month).

I'd say a lot of things have changed in both public and catholic schools since either of us were in grade school. Hopefully for the better in both. :)

This thread has devolved into school boy horror stories. WRT religion, name any other facet of your life where a negative experience of many years ago has so completely prevented you from engaging in that thing ever again.
Richard said:
This thread has devolved into school boy horror stories. WRT religion, name any other facet of your life where a negative experience of many years ago has so completely prevented you from engaging in that thing ever again.
Richard said:
? I though you were active in the profession.
I am. I have learned that some things docs do are simply adventuresome, and that that sort of activity is to be avoided.

Elective Eye surgery to corred nearsightedness.
Elective cosmetic surgery. Occasionally you get a horror. Or a death.
The list goes on. Need I say more?

Patients in my office with failed back surgery.

Maybe I forgot to mention....
Richard said:
This thread has devolved into school boy horror stories. WRT religion, name any other facet of your life where a negative experience of many years ago has so completely prevented you from engaging in that thing ever again.
square dancing
Richard said:
This thread has devolved into school boy horror stories. WRT religion, name any other facet of your life where a negative experience of many years ago has so completely prevented you from engaging in that thing ever again.

I look back at my grade school and high school years and think the religious teachers (priests, nuns & brothers) prepared me well for life. Sure, I can point to some days where I felt I was treated unfairly but life is like that.

Speaking of negative experiences...what can be more negative than the initial experiences when learning to fly...FBO's that don't know the first thing about customer service, other pilots that won't give you the time of day 'cause you're not part of the club, CFI's that dream of burning jet fuel and getting charged out the wazoo for the pleasure. What is really funny is people wonder why the ranks of pilots are shrinking.

gkainz said:
square dancing

Ha! I think that alone warped many a young mind into thinking being anywhere near a girl is a disgusting experience.

Am I the only one that had a positive Catholic High School experience.

OK, I'm a little hurt no priest ever found me attractive enough to hit on but all in all I got a good education, both academic and spiritually.
Anthony said:
Ha! I think that alone warped many a young mind into thinking being anywhere near a girl is a disgusting experience.

well, YUK!!!:hairraise:
bbchien said:
I am. I have learned that some things docs do are simply adventuresome, and that that sort of activity is to be avoided.

Elective Eye surgery to corred nearsightedness.
I had radial keratotomy done in 1984, and am very happy because it worked out well for me. But I was much more risk tolerant in those days. Not sure I'd do it again, given the technology (or lack thereof) of the day.
Ken Ibold said:
I had radial keratotomy done in 1984, and am very happy because it worked out well for me. But I was much more risk tolerant in those days. Not sure I'd do it again, given the technology (or lack thereof) of the day.

Ahhh! Wide awake, atropine and razor are a brave man.

Richard said:
This thread has devolved into school boy horror stories. WRT religion, name any other facet of your life where a negative experience of many years ago has so completely prevented you from engaging in that thing ever again.

Um? Does that include drinking? If so, then I have not touched a drop of bourbon since 1983. And will probably go to my grave never having again touched bourbon. Beer, vodka, scotch, rum, etc. No problem. No bourbon ever again.
Richard said:
This thread has devolved into school boy horror stories. WRT religion, name any other facet of your life where a negative experience of many years ago has so completely prevented you from engaging in that thing ever again.

Although I may have written about a single negative experience. It's not that single experience that turned me away from organized religion. It's the cumulative effect of the abuses and in many cases down right hypocrisy that I've seen during the course of my lifetime that have driven me away.

As has already been said, most of the world's religions share the common basis of living your life in a good and respectful manner. But there are many people who take things out of context to drive a point, their point, and influence the thinking of others. I am a Christian but I have to ask myself why there are so many different views toward Christianity. Some believe that all you have to do to be saved is to accept Jesus as your Lord and savior while others believe that belief alone is not enough, that belief must be accompanied by good works. How many different Christian religions are there and why are there so many? Doesn't that give reason to question the teachings of these different groups?

That's why I've chosen to worship in my own way and to try to live my life in a manner that is respectful of others. It makes me absolutely sick to think of the number of people who have been tortured and murdered in the name of God throughout the history of the world.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with going to church on a regular basis. I used to love the high Masses in the Catholic church. Going to a Catholic school we started our school day, everyday, in church. I loved the ceremony. It's just not the same for me any longer, but that doesn't mean I 'm not a believer. It's possible that if I were to find a congregation that I felt a connection to I may start attending regularly, that just hasn't happened yet.

Just my humble opinion.

judypilot said:
Generally I stay out of religious discussions (or try to), but the stories about comments at funerals reminds me of what the minister at my first wedding did to us. While we didn't have a formal rehearsal, we did go over the service with him in some detail. The service did not include a sermon. For whatever reason, he decided at the event itself to give a sermon (and, obviously, since we didn't know he was going to give one, we hadn't discussed the topic with him). His topic? The sin of living together. I don't know what the heck he was thinking--maybe he thought he was congratulating us for actually getting married. But we had numerous couples among our friends who were living together and our attitude about that was that it was their choice and we aren't going to judge them. We were horrified. One of the wedding pictures taken of my husband shows him with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face--out of context, it would be a very weird picture for a wedding, but it was taken during the sermon.

Of course, they all thought the sermon had been approved by us and was directed toward them. It took months for us to get to everyone and calm them down. It really threw a pall over what should have been a celebration, and it was shortly thereafter that I left organized religion.


my grandfather was a builder. he bought a large tract of land in our town back in the early 50s, developed some of it (subdivisions) and built a Catholic church on the rest of it. donated his time, money and efforts. to the church. he even went to Rome with the priest (not sure of how high up the priest was, maybe he was higher than "just" priest) and among other things he bought the big cross on the altar for the congregation (included within - a relic), had an audience with the Pope, and so forth. a Big Deal in our family.

my brother wanted to get married there - I guess this would have been about 8-9 years ago. (Grampa long since dead) He was living with his fiancee. The current priest wouldn't allow him to get married there. Living in sin. My brother is mild mannered and didn't raise holy hell - just went elsewhere.

fast forward a few years - Mom hadn't been back to that church in ages. When she did, she realized the cross was gone. where did it go? no one is really sure. We think it was sold.

nice huh?
I've pretty much avoided this thread (isn't this always a prelude to something we may regret saying?) but, your relationship with your Maker is your business. Ask me about mine and I'll gladly tell you. This thread is asking and many have replied.

As for me,I can't make it by myself. If I'm delusional, then let me be. If you're delusional, with or without religion, I'll do the same.

Since the question was asked, I have been to the point where I put my troubles in His hands. It was the only way I was able to deal with a very frightening and serious concern. It worked for me. If you get to that point with a personal crisis, I'll try to help. Otherwise, I wish you the best.....
Alan said:
As for me,I can't make it by myself. If I'm delusional, then let me be.
My devout athiest friends tell me my Faith is a crutch. I tell them my Crutch is the biggest one I can get, and He works for me. So there (-:
woodstock said:
my grandfather was a builder. he bought a large tract of land in our town back in the early 50s, developed some of it (subdivisions) and built a Catholic church on the rest of it. donated his time, money and efforts. to the church. he even went to Rome with the priest (not sure of how high up the priest was, maybe he was higher than "just" priest) and among other things he bought the big cross on the altar for the congregation (included within - a relic), had an audience with the Pope, and so forth. a Big Deal in our family.

my brother wanted to get married there - I guess this would have been about 8-9 years ago. (Grampa long since dead) He was living with his fiancee. The current priest wouldn't allow him to get married there. Living in sin. My brother is mild mannered and didn't raise holy hell - just went elsewhere.

fast forward a few years - Mom hadn't been back to that church in ages. When she did, she realized the cross was gone. where did it go? no one is really sure. We think it was sold.

nice huh?

I would bet the cross was sacrificed, with the appropriate prayer, for corporate profits or individual pilfering.