Light twins with one caged around here are just gliders with a better glide ratio over a single with an engine out. Maybe not even better depending on load.
Well, Nate, I think you'd choose the turbocharged light twin, 200 undergross over DBL with one feathered, over the piston single at DBL with total power loss. I will be making a runway.
As I say repetitively, it's about load.
If you have a large family, A Seneca is not a true 4 place twin. It can carry 1300 total and be 200 under; that's 750 in the cabin and 4 hours' fuel + 30 min reserve.
You need a Navajo or a C310 (and even then.....the C310 can be fuel limited, to say 200 under), or an Aztec. A T310R 200 undergross does very well on one (provided it doesn't have boots- another thing the marketing department glosses over a bit).
You can forget about the Baron for families of 4 with 200 pound persons. Barons are about "go fast" with two turning. Here's an example of the marketing department reigning supreme.....Eking out a go around from 50 feet, a gross, on a hot day in a Baron is a eyeball peeling experience. I managed it....but I'm not eager to do it again. It too needs to be 200 or so undergross, and then it too is fuel limited.
What I see commonly, and shake my head about, is the owner who packs it full and departs from 3,500 feet successfully and says, "what's the problem?". He SO NEEDS to be reminded of how miserable his Baron is at gross. BT recently.