Fast n' Furious said:
You can fly the localizer Bruce. But only after you decend on the glideslope to the appropriate circling MDA. Then continue on the LOC at MDA to the MAP which is the threshold based on time. As I mention above this is a very shrewd use of criteria by the procedure designer to get near LOC mins by using the 34:1 no penetration rule for an approach with a GS. The underlying terrain/obstacles will not support reasonable LOC mins but you can make an end run by using the 34:1 rule.
Ding, Ding, Ding...sort of! This designer
was very very shrewd. There is an obstacle of some sort that intrudes under the GS (likely to the right of the Loc but who knows?), that the VOR approach has accomodated. To get margins around that obstacle, you are required to ride the GS on down to 1920. That suggests the obstacle is very near the bottom of the GS path.
I'm not sure that you can level out at 1920 on the localizer only if you dont' have the field. Certainly the airspace is protected (it's right above the GS) but they chose to depict NO LOC minimums....
But, the point is that you have an unusual GS without an authorized Localizer approach colocated with it. My students have a need to brief all the possibilities- I had one simpy respond, "why if I lost the GS I'd fly the localizer". That got a gentle tap on the head with the Enroute. "What localizer approach?" sez I. If you lose the GS inside the outer marker, you climb like hell on the localizer to the estimated (by time) MAP, climb and turn left and head to MQG at 5300.
So in briefing this approach, in the IFR gospel according to BC you have to ask the conditionals- what if?. And, notice JR- the coupled minimums are different on the Jepp chart (2500) vs. the NOS (2320). Error! Error!
It is clear that if one loses the GS at 2100 it's a miss. It's
less clear after having ridden the GS down to 1920, and the GS is lost.....that it's authorized to continue to the airport by time at 1920 msl. I think I'd be climbing like heck.
Now, somebody tell me why the MM is not colocated with the ILS 26 MAP-with the needles centered, after the MM you still have 28 feet to descend or about 1000 feet to travel. I genuinely don't get this fine point. Any TERPS types out there?