Illinois Residents C81 needs you! PLEASE COMMENT NOW!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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Please go to and supply your comments on the Route 120 alternatives:


Needless to say, we'd like to see Alternative 1C!

One of consultants asked, think the airport will be there for 50 years? YES!

BTW, that 3C choice goes right through the Northbrook Gun Club.

You can fill out and mail this form: and General Information/Comment Form.pdf

Or give comments here:
You can say it's in regard to the April 15th open house where they presented the routing alternatives.

Most of the tree-hugger interest will be with the Eastern alternatives which hit the Almond Marsh and Blue Heron sanctuary.

Man, the site sucks in all of its pdf crappiness.


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Re: Illinois Residents PLEASE COMMENT NOW!

Man that's crappy to come home and find in your mailbox!
Re: Illinois Residents PLEASE COMMENT NOW!

Man that's crappy to come home and find in your mailbox!

If they put it in anybody's mailbox. Not a chance. This is, ala The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a case where you have to show an interest in local affairs. They had a second open house on the route alternatives topic at a nearby elementary school on 4/15. Gee, they allow a whole 10 days for comments.

This whole effort is merely to put together a consensus of the local governmental entities as to what plan they want to take to the state and US for funding. The road is at 7-10 years off in the best case.

Considering the first open house was on whether they would widen the existing road and take my far I'm coming out OK. (They voted to drop that from consideration, even though it keeps getting mentioned, including by another homeowner at the open house who was more concerned about the bypass taking his land. I let him live. )
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The detailed map is here. It's a very large download and the site is slow. Be patient.

You can see that they have the clear areas for runway 24 plotted. 1C is still very close.
Please go to and supply your comments on the Route 120 alternatives:

Needless to say, we'd like to see Alternative 1C!

One of consultants asked, think the airport will be there for 50 years? YES!

BTW, that 3C choice goes right through the Northbrook Gun Club.

You can fill out and mail this form: and General Information/Comment Form.pdf

Or give comments here:


Good luck with the battle. I know what it's like, and it never, ever, ends.
I sent my comments in a short time ago stating that option 3c was a bad choice. I did not endorse either 2c or 1c. But I hope for 1c.

I did point out that the nearby LITH airport is actually moving a road further away from the runway for safety considerations and that option 3c was counter intuitive.
One of consultants asked, think the airport will be there for 50 years? YES!

BTW, that 3C choice goes right through the Northbrook Gun Club.

Mike, I know some of those members of the gun club, the airport has an uphill battle against that group. ( they'll have influence)
For once I didn't forget to post comments myself. I made the case to leave both Campbell and the Northbrook Sport Club alone.

I just noticed that they must have routed alternative 3C to theoretically parallel the approach to runway 24. They knew full well where the FAA clear area is.

Anyway, comments are due today. I hope they accept them until midnight.
For once I didn't forget to post comments myself. I made the case to leave both Campbell and the Northbrook Sport Club alone.

I just noticed that they must have routed alternative 3C to theoretically parallel the approach to runway 24. They knew full well where the FAA clear area is.

Anyway, comments are due today. I hope they accept them until midnight.
Dang! Intended to do it when we got back from vacation, and forgot!:mad3:
What's so bad about option 3C? We've got a similar layout at my home base (KLZU). Hasn't been a problem so far.
From the looks of the map posted early in this thread, the 3C option would put it much closer than what 316 is to KLZU. You can barely see the runway operations from 316 and there are plenty of places around the airport one could pull into and observe.
I sent in a comment just now. I told them to protect the airport. I hope they listen!
I got an email that they lost my comments in a security issue and asking me to submit again. Like I just have them saved. That was 30 minutes wasted.

The good news is they're still accepting comments.
From the looks of the map posted early in this thread, the 3C option would put it much closer than what 316 is to KLZU. You can barely see the runway operations from 316 and there are plenty of places around the airport one could pull into and observe.
Well, with 316, they had the good sense to build it with a very wide grassy median. You could land your airplane there if you run out of gas (as some people have).

So, if you get stuck with 3C, at least ask for that.
Well, with 316, they had the good sense to build it with a very wide grassy median. You could land your airplane there if you run out of gas (as some people have).

So, if you get stuck with 3C, at least ask for that.

Actually, that's the plan. It'll be a 300 foot wide boulevard with a grass median....and round-a-bouts :yikes: (I did let them know that those are probably not going to work so well here where stop signs are taken as a suggestion to be ignored.)

The 300 foot wide part is a matter of contention because it'll take out a lot of the nature preserve wetlands at the east end.

And consider that if they make it wider it's that much more airport and gun club / access road they'll need.
I went to the vote at the planning board meeting last night.

They had only option 1C on the table! They voted for 1C.

It turns out the Northbrook Sport Club owns all of the land. The club wanted 1C. They offered to make the wetlands mitigation area work with the environmental groups by changing the permits they had in hand.

I had thought of making pro-airport public comments but since it was after the vote that went our way, I didn't.

I talked to my county board candidate and happened to be overheard by the Lake County Board Chairman. Just as AOPA warned I ended up mentioning something really dumb - bird strikes as on the Hudson. :redface: Man, it takes practice.
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I had thought of making pro-airport public comments but since it was after the voter that went our way, I didn't.
Keep a chip in your pocket instead of using it when not needed. But in the mean time it is always good to let people know of the good the airport does. A few well placed letters to the editor are always nice.

I talked to my county board candidate and happened to be overheard by the Lake County Board Chairman. Just as AOPA warned I ended up mentioning something really dumb - bird strikes as on the Hudson. :redface: Man, it takes practice.
Doh! Here is a little hint that I use when going to these things. Prior to my attendance I actually spend a little time writting down my talking points and bullet items. That way I have a few rehearesed lines in my pocket and it is easier to stick to my script.
I went to the route 120 council meeting Wednesday night.

The consultants are telling them there is no choice except to make the bypass pay for use! The project would otherwise be $260M short of the $500M required.

I intent to make it known and get some pushback on the toll idea. My county board member said she'll vote against.

Somehow in Illinois politics our county is the red headed step child, "No YOU cannot have the free roads the the other counties get." They literally have a plan to charge a toll on one road that's free through all of Daley's Crook county starting right at the county line.

We could be paying $10-$20 a day to use roads our very high tax dollars paid half to build.

Like with ATC user fees, I'm going to suggest a county fuel tax, which somehow has not been allowed by the state in YOUR county.

Question: Can airport improvement fund be used in any way for airport access? Just thinnin'...