I made my first flight with the iLevil and WingX last Thursday. The AHRS worked great. I was also picking up two ADS-B towers, but the weather was good and I was in a low traffic area so I can't really comment about the ADS-B functions other than I had no problem picking up a good signal from two towers. I did notice some minor problems with the GPS and made screen captures. I sent an e-mail to Levil Aviation and WingX at 10 pm Thursday night. By 10:30 I had received a reply from Hilton at WingX and the next morning at 9:30 a reply from Levil. Levil made some improvements to their iLevil firmware and sent me an updated iLevil that I received yesterday. WingX will have a new release coming out soon that will have some improved iLevil capability. Between the new WingX revision and the updated iLevil firmware, it looks like this is going to be a pretty awesome hardware/app combination. An iPad glass panel! The customer service I have received from both organizations has been awesome.