IFR to Paso Robles (Full ATC) - Always Learning


Line Up and Wait
Jul 31, 2017
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Even though I fly quite a bit and have many more instrument approaches and holds than mandated, there is indeed always more to learn... as we’ll see together in this video :). Included is every single ATC exchange from takeoff to missed approach. Some age-old lessons are reinforced… and if you notice additional lessons to be learned, please point them out.

Thoughts, questions, and suggestions? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for your insight and enjoy the video!
Wayne, the GeezerGeek Pilot
Good video. Do you have WAAS in that Diamond?
Yes, fortunately the 2008 DA40 came standard with WAAS... and thereby of course the LPV minimums used on the approach in this video. Thanks for watching!
Good video. Do you have WAAS in that Diamond?
I think any G1000 that has a GFC700 also has WAAS. I'd be interested to know if there were any exceptions, though.
I think any G1000 that has a GFC700 also has WAAS. I'd be interested to know if there were any exceptions, though.
Asicer, I believe you're correct. Most of the earlier DA40s had a KAP autopilot and were, pretty sure, non-WAAS. Fortunate for me, the 2008s came standard with the GFC700 (awesome autopilot!) and WAAS.
Yes, fortunately the 2008 DA40 came standard with WAAS... and thereby of course the LPV minimums used on the approach in this video. Thanks for watching!

I saw the pink diamond at the end and realized it. Makes the overgrown 430 a lot more powerful when you get LPV.

I think any G1000 that has a GFC700 also has WAAS. I'd be interested to know if there were any exceptions, though.

Asicer, I believe you're correct. Most of the earlier DA40s had a KAP autopilot and were, pretty sure, non-WAAS. Fortunate for me, the 2008s came standard with the GFC700 (awesome autopilot!) and WAAS.

That is incorrect. I've flown a GFC700 equipped, non-WAAS plane.
That must have been a weird year. I also flew a 2006 DA40 but it did have GFC700+WAAS.

The GFC700 planes have a WAAS upgrade path, and it used to be semi reasonable, so maybe that was upgraded?
The GFC700 planes have a WAAS upgrade path, and it used to be semi reasonable, so maybe that was upgraded?
I don't remember seeing it in the W&B. Unfortunately, I can't find my copy of it. :(
I'm not sure that would fit a major change needed for a W&B
I suppose it depends on the avionics shop. I've seen some update the W&B for a similar LRU upgrade and some not.