
Line Up and Wait
Jan 20, 2010
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They want you to cancel like 60 nm out. I have been told it is much easier if you do not. Anyone with a suggestion?
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Read the NOTAM. Believe in the NOTAM. It's there for a reason.
If it's potentially IMC, go IFR. Otherwise, you're PIC, but you can probably increase the flow rate by canceling. It's up to you to decide whether making it maybe a little easier for you is worth inconveniencing the other pilots.
I've always gone early in the morning, and when I offered to cancel was told there was no need. I asked one of the controllers at the field ans was told there isn't a lot of IFR traffic - remember there are slot reservations so the number of IFR airplanes is kind of controlled anyway.

In each case, I got a visual approach, and turned over to the tower as soon as I reported the airport in sight.
I will not be arriving until Thurs about 7 pm. First time flying up always been in a car before. I feel more comfortable IFR but have read the Notam several times and dont mind the fisk approach either. Everyone I have talked to that goes IFR says they have not cancelled.
Let me ask the question like this.

Only for those who have flown IFR to KOSH

How many times have you flown IFR to KOSH? Of those how many times have you cancelled?
I've always gone early in the morning, and when I offered to cancel was told there was no need. I asked one of the controllers at the field ans was told there isn't a lot of IFR traffic - remember there are slot reservations so the number of IFR airplanes is kind of controlled anyway.

In each case, I got a visual approach, and turned over to the tower as soon as I reported the airport in sight.
When you're turned over to the tower, are you then treated as a VFR OSH flight, i.e. no talking to the controller? (Yes, I realize that the answer is likely in the NOTAM, which anyone flying into OSH during AirVenture should read and have with them in the cockpit.)
Ummm, one time when we went IFR because of clouds over Lake Michigan we got a really nice tour of a couple of counties far, far to the West of Oshkosh... In my own plane I would not have minded, but in a big, fast, rental multi, with the Hobbs running the guys paying the bill were pizzed... It can be a crap shoot...