IFR time

There is no such time category in 61.51. NOR is it a required aeronautical experience category for any rating or currency. It's meaningless. It's like having a column for "Time flown while wearing shorts."
Accepted if employers want to know how much time
Right, I didn't say you couldn't log it. My statement he was complaining about said there was no "FAA definition of IFR time."
and my point was simply that the fact that the FAA doesn’t care about it, does not mean that it doesn’t exist. If someone somewhere wants it, then it exists as a relevant time to track, regardless of what the FAA thinks.


People track all sorts of times that the FAA doesn’t care about. Some flying clubs might want to know how much mountain time you have or how much experience on grass strips. Military pilots need to track all sorts of things. Helicopter pilots who inspect powerlines need to track that.

Oh, and I think EASA cares about IFR time, if memory serves (I may be wrong)
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IFR time may be meaningful personally or, apparently, professionally. It's just not meaningful to the FAA. Just like "time flown while wearing shorts" might be meaningful personally to evaluate whether flying really is the most fun you can have with your pants on and "time flown while listening to audiobooks" might be meaningful to decide which audio panel or headset to get. In my case, I log passenger names and animal passengers so I can tell you I have flown 29 times with my Dad and 33 times with my dog. It's easy to log and fun to reminisce. It's meaningful to someone, even if the only someone it's meaningful to is me.