Line Up and Wait
Hi All:
I want to "push the envelope" here.
I am currently working on my IFR ticket with a 92% written test and 22 hours of dual IFR training.
I practice flying the approaches to minimums every time I do the approach.
So, when I get my IFR ticket what is wrong with flying the approaches to minimums at airports I am familar with?
Why did we get to a point of deciding to set "personal minimums"?
Don't get me wrong.....I am not trying to argue or start a fight....It is that we are either on the approach or we are not. It would appear to me that the more IFR you fly the better one would be at approaches to minimum standards.
It would also appear to me that if you can't fly the approach to minimums you shouldn't be flying IFR.
I have about 20 more hours left to have the requirements in for IFR. I am taking this "extra" step to make me a better pilot but mainly so clouds and weather for the most part won't keep me grounded.
If the weather is overcast to minimums with NO turbelence, lightning, or anything, I want to know I can handle the minimums and go on in....right to the runway....minimums....otherwise I'll stay home and fly VFR.
Opinions and comments are welcome....well sort of....
"Hey, what is that mountain goat doing up here on that mountain?"
Far Side
I want to "push the envelope" here.
I am currently working on my IFR ticket with a 92% written test and 22 hours of dual IFR training.
I practice flying the approaches to minimums every time I do the approach.
So, when I get my IFR ticket what is wrong with flying the approaches to minimums at airports I am familar with?
Why did we get to a point of deciding to set "personal minimums"?
Don't get me wrong.....I am not trying to argue or start a fight....It is that we are either on the approach or we are not. It would appear to me that the more IFR you fly the better one would be at approaches to minimum standards.
It would also appear to me that if you can't fly the approach to minimums you shouldn't be flying IFR.
I have about 20 more hours left to have the requirements in for IFR. I am taking this "extra" step to make me a better pilot but mainly so clouds and weather for the most part won't keep me grounded.
If the weather is overcast to minimums with NO turbelence, lightning, or anything, I want to know I can handle the minimums and go on in....right to the runway....minimums....otherwise I'll stay home and fly VFR.
Opinions and comments are welcome....well sort of....
"Hey, what is that mountain goat doing up here on that mountain?"
Far Side