My DPE really liked my version of "hey you, did you forget about me?"...and ATC's response (they had). I really am a stickler for standard communication but still use a more informal tone when I think it appropriate.
That was 1992. A few weeks ago I was receiving flight following and heard nothing out of Center for quite a while, not to me or anyone else. "Center, you still there?"
"Too busy with others at the moment to talk to you," is not the standard. Understanding that, you will know it when you have it.
That was not sarcasm.
Funny, I did a video which involves "too busy non-communication" (TBNC). Not planned; just happened. I uploaded it specifically because I was seeing all sorts of comments about TBNC being treated as lost com, up to and including people recommending flying unpublished and totally unexpected holds in busy airspace. I expected flaming for the way I handled it. No one even noticed. Because, in reality, there was nothing to notice.