Line Up and Wait
Not all indians are vegitarians, there is a sizeable muslim population there that eats meat.There are skinny vegans and fat vegans. There skinny Indians and fat Indians. The two are unrelated.
Not all indians are vegitarians, there is a sizeable muslim population there that eats meat.There are skinny vegans and fat vegans. There skinny Indians and fat Indians. The two are unrelated.
I really don't get why meat eaters are so proud of it. It's as if you think you're more manly. Are you really that insecure? I could care less what you eat, go on a full twinkie diet, it's your body to do what you wish to do with it. I agree people that constantly rave on about whatever cult they belong to are a total pain in the butt. Kind of like bonanza cultists.I feed meat products to my plants, so I can get a double hit of meat when I eat my home grown veggies with my steak.
I will take my Elk steak medium rare please.
Vitamin B-12, only because we wash our vegetables to make sure there's no feces on them. Eat meat, though, and you get your vitamin B-12 from the bacteria on the feces in the soil the animal eats--so ingested by us (well, not me anymore) by proxy. Plants have all the protein we need, but meat is an incomplete source of vitamins despite the B-12 abundance. Interesting article here: Even iceberg lettuce is a complete protein. Scroll down the page for the proof about lettuce.- An all vegetable diet (vegan) DOES require a visit to your doctor. You will need dietary supplements - period.
I really don't get whymeat eatersvegatarians are so proud of it. It's as if you think you're more manly. Are you really that insecure? I could care less what you eat, go on a full twinkie diet, it's your body to do what you wish to do with it. I agree people that constantly rave on about whatever cult they belong to are a total pain in the butt. Kind of like bonanza cultists.
Now wait just a darn minute!I really don't get why meat eaters are so proud of it. It's as if you think you're more manly. Are you really that insecure? I could care less what you eat, go on a full twinkie diet, it's your body to do what you wish to do with it. I agree people that constantly rave on about whatever cult they belong to are a total pain in the butt. Kind of like bonanza cultists.
Contrary to popular belief not everyone in Texas is nuts but I'm sure glad I got out of there after I left AA. My favorite thing was watching Texas getting smaller on climb out on one of my numerous vacations, took at least 8 a year.Changed it to what I see a lot.
I have only met one war monger vegetarian. She was the date of a friend of mine to a bar-b-que years ago. She went off on her rant. We listened, then I told her I would be glad to fix her a vegan meal if I had been informed earlier. There were plenty of vegetables, even a zucchini salsa that I had found a recipe for.
She went from preachin' to meddlin' and that is when I asked her to leave. It must have been hard for her to be non-meat eater and anti gun and anti hunter and living in Texas....
I really don't get why meat eaters are so proud of it.
I have only met one war monger vegetarian. She was the date of a friend of mine to a bar-b-que years ago.
I don’t mind vegans at the BBQ. They roast just about like the omnivores. They do tend to need more salt n spices to remedy their bland tastelessness...I don't frequent barbecues for obvious reasons. When trapped at them (which has happened) I eat whatever I can find, or just starve. Contrary to popular opinion you do NOT need three meals a day.
I would not attend a barbecue and try and ruin it for everyone else.
I really don't get why meat eaters are so proud of it. It's as if you think you're more manly. Are you really that insecure? I could care less what you eat, go on a full twinkie diet, it's your body to do what you wish to do with it. I agree people that constantly rave on about whatever cult they belong to are a total pain in the butt. Kind of like bonanza cultists.
I have only met one war monger vegetarian.
I would take my medium rare, 1/2 pound burger, with 6 slices of crispy bacon, 2 slices of swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, A-1 sauce, a big pile of hot fries and a vanilla milkshake thick enough to stand a prop in it without falling over, across to the cafeteria to "my" table.
My father ate like you. At his thinnest he was heavier than I've been at my most. Had he not died from the Alzheimers I suspect he would have died young from cardiovascular illness. He had flabitis when he was the age I am now. My suegro also ate like you, and almost died of a heart attack when he was the age I am now. I am glad you enjoyed your food.
I really don't get why meat eaters are so proud of it. It's as if you think you're more manly. Are you really that insecure? I could care less what you eat, go on a full twinkie diet, it's your body to do what you wish to do with it. I agree people that constantly rave on about whatever cult they belong to are a total pain in the butt. Kind of like bonanza cultists.
Contrary to popular belief not everyone in Texas is nuts but I'm sure glad I got out of there after I left AA. My favorite thing was watching Texas getting smaller on climb out on one of my numerous vacations, took at least 8 a year.
Wanna know why my vegetarian chili is a big hit..???
It really isn’t vegetarian.
And here I was hoping to see you at the Fly-B-Q again sometime.I don't frequent barbecues for obvious reasons. When trapped at them (which has happened) I eat whatever I can find, or just starve. Contrary to popular opinion you do NOT need three meals a day.
I would not attend a barbecue and try and ruin it for everyone else.
In the interests of full disclosure, one of my daughters is a Vegetarian, and one of my dearest and closest friends is a Vegan.
I don't have a problem with it. When they come over, I make special meals and treats for them.
Should make the same video about atheists.
And bitcoin evangelists.
I was going to go look for those. Here is another prime example of my procrastination paying off! I was hoping someone else would come through for me.You're in luck
Chill dude. Clearly this is a complex issue I reduced to hyperbole.The problem with diets is exactly this. You were doing something to make yourself fat. So you go on said diet to get skinny. Whatever said diet is, its probably awful and you can probably only maintain it for a limited time. So you go back to whatever it was that was making you fat. Rinse and repeat.
What actually works in the long term is portion control and regular exercise. You can eat whatever you want, but you have to limit your portions, especially when eating calorie rich foods. If you need to loose weight, calories in should be less than calories out. Once your weight target has been reached, calories in equals calories out.
The other good thing about portion control is if you have the discipline to maintain it, your digestive will adjust until the new portion gives you satiety. It really does work.
And yes, there are fat Vegans, I'm related to one. I never said there weren't. I just said that they're rare, and I'll stick to that. The Indians you meet are in America and are rich. They're cousins back in India are lily Vegans because they can't afford meat or fowl, and I'll bet they're skinny. Most of the folks I've met in the third world are, and it isn't by choice.
Chill dude. Clearly this is a complex issue I reduced to hyperbole.
And here I was hoping to see you at the Fly-B-Q again sometime.
Best not give up the hookers n blowYou can live to be 100 if you give up everything that makes you want to live to be 100...
Actually, it is in the cards whether or not you will be a centenarian. Most folks die in their 80's of one thing or another. But centenarians age differently, in their 80s they look more like they're in their 60's. There is one gene in particular involved, a master controller of nutritional systems.You can live to be 100 if you give up everything that makes you want to live to be 100...
Then what is all the big deal about eating healthy?Actually, it is in the cards whether or not you will be a centenarian. Most folks die in their 80's of one thing or another. But centenarians age differently, in their 80s they look more like they're in their 60's. There is one gene in particular involved, a master controller of nutritional systems.
No particular combination of foods or lifestyles promotes one to be a centenarian.
I think genetics has more to do with it than anything else does.
When I was about seven years old, I went to visit my grandmother. She was about 74 or 75 at the time. She was cooking sausage, peppers, and onions when I arrived.
I asked her how she was doing, and she told me that she'd just gotten back from a visit with her new doctor that morning. I asked her what the doctor had said. In broken English she told me, "The doctor, he tella me that I havva too much-a, how you say? Colesterolo. So I can no eat anything that a taste-a good. If it taste-a bad, I can eat all I want-a. But if it taste-a good, I can no eat. Same as the old-a doctor tella me."
"Then why are you eating sausage?" I asked.
"I no speak-a English a-too good," she replied with a laugh. Then she set out two plates and we had sausage, peppers, and onions together.
Halfway into the meal, I asked, "What happened to the old doctor, Nonna?"
"È morto," she replied. "La settimana scorsa. Then she pointed to her heart and continued. "Il suo cuore. And-a so young," she added, shaking her head.
Grandma lived another ten years and continued to eat whatever she wanted. She was healthy until the day she died. I think she also outlived another doctor or two.
Sounds familiar Rich. My Dad and his parents (Italian) all ate like that and lived well into their 90s. Damn now ya made me hungry for sausage, peppers, and onions!
Some of you guys might find this interesting:
If your blood type caused an evolutionary disadvantage, those blood types would have died out a long time ago. Just another tool to sell a diet.
If your blood type caused an evolutionary disadvantage, those blood types would have died out a long time ago. Just another tool to sell a diet.
They did. Why do you think that only A,B and O survived? All of the other letters went extinct.
I kind of thought a blood type that is at a disadvantage in one place, will have an advantage in another depending on the food available. Perhaps the types evolved in response to the food available. We know that different types respond differently and are more or less susceptible to certain diseases. Why would it be out of line to think it may have some bearing on how we respond to different foods/nutrients. Doesn't seem far fetched, but it may not be right at all. Just seems interesting to me, so I though I'd share. I didn't know about the supplements and stuff. Just the book. Anyway, I deleted it.