Touchdown! Greaser!
good point, but even so don’t you think he should have gotten a debrief where the instructor told him exactly what he did to get to that point? Just in the interest of educating him? Maybe it isn’t his job, I don’t know, but it is information that would be useful for him, no?
I think he did get a debrief but he said he didn't remember most of it because he was "about to throw up". So he should probably go back and ask again, it is absolutely the check instructor's job to debrief, and it sounds like he did.
I think there are a few lessons the op can take from this. I've covered the go around. Another lesson is if you are PIC, you can never, ever, never give up. You can't shut down, as a very good instructor told me many times while I was learning, "Paul, you need to shake it off, and keep flying, stay in the game." That include debriefs, forget feeling bad about yourself, and work to fix the problems. I think the OP is very close, and actually it can be a good thing that he had this setback. Now he can learn.
It's really easy to lulled into thinking this flying stuff is easy, especially now with YouTube pilots producing videos. Most, not all, but most of the videos only show the good stuff when things go well. Also, my favorite video producers are really good pilots that make it look easy. It's not always easy, and you can't quit as PIC.
From what the OP has written I think his instructor and this check guy are fine, he should stick with them in my opinion. Breaking in a new instructor always takes time, keep that in mind.