Ice Cream Anyone?


Line Up and Wait
Mar 13, 2008
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Just got an email from Adventure Pilot with Sunbury (71N) airport listed as having an ice cream shop within walking distance. Don't know how I missed this place being so close to Wings (KLOM), but this looks fun and inviting.

This isn't my pic, I think it belongs to Mike Marra of Keystone Flight, but I thought it looked like a fun place and wanted to show ya'll.

Neat looking airport. It looks like that pic is taken looking southwest?

If so, the lake is formed by the Fabridam across the Susquehanna. It' a large inflatable dam. They blow it up in spring and let the air out in fall.

We canoed through here on our way to Harrisburg. I think there's a seaplane strip out in the river as well?
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This is an absolutely cool airport. And Twinkie can get in and out easily enough. This is one I have to go see. Thanks for the thread.
That is a neat looking place! And it's only about an hour from here!
It's on my list! Thanks!
Oh yeah...Is that a campground next to it?
Is it a fly-in type campground?