I think I used up one of my lives today.....

Kaye said:
Let's see......one of the first mantras I learned was aviate, navigate, and communicate. Yes, I announced my departure on 17. I had just rotated when this call came in. I'm not saying I was right in my assumption that the plane was behind me, but my first order of business was to aviate. Announcing my position when I've just rotated and was establishing a climb, etc did not seem to take priority.

Especially at a crowded airport like JYO when the frequency is often jammed...with people making calls like "Any traffic in the area please advise".... ;) I'm with you, Kaye.
Also Mr. Unregistered: let us consult the AIM, section 4-3-1c - Traffic Pattern Terminology.


Calling upwind after depature would have been INCORRECT anyways. If you (or anyone) were going to make the call you so insist on the correct position report would have been ... yes, you guessed it, departure.

For the record, Kaye, I agree w/ you 100%. You make the "Nxxx departing RY XX" call, and that's all I would have made until I had the plane configured for climb and was at a point I felt that communication was safe.
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Not feeding the troll, exactly, but Kaye's whole point in posting here was to describe what had happened, to 'fess up the flaws in her assumption, and to share it all with us so we might learn from it.

The "any trafc please advise" part is just gravy.

Kaye learned something about flying form this, and she's helping us to learn with her. Kudos (says I) to Kaye!
Missa said:
I would also like to see you call the FISDO. The other pilots should learn too, they need to moniter CTAF sooner and as Check pilots should be the ones setting the example of what's right to do.

Amen to that. And as they are obviously highly proficient at instrument approaches, it should be a piece of cake for them to make VFR-friendly traffic calls and listen in on CTAF. They really should have done better.
Unregistered said:
One last time..

Yes, one last time. If you feel you need to hide behind "Unregistered" then you have zero credibility and everything you post is meaningless.
wsuffa said:
I think there's enough valuable information in this thread to continue the discussion, and I'd ask the anon poster to "out" him/herself.
There's NO WAY this guy will identify himself! Shoot, he might even be one of the folks that posted CRITICISING his anon posts! (and no, it was not me, although that would be sorta funny to do! :D)

I, personally, promise the whole group that I'll not post under "unregistered" unless I am the one intitiating the thread and need to do it that way for self protection. All my stupid "reply" posts will have my name on 'em! :D
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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.