I need to rant/vent...


Pattern Altitude
Apr 21, 2011
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Display name:
Greg D.
Ever feel like everything is working against you?

I am 21 and have never had a driver's liscense. I know how to drive and all, but I've never even had a learner's liscense. I was just to lazy...

So I decide it's time to buy a (cheap) car and just do it. I can't even get to the DMV to take the written test until July 19. Once I get that, THEN I can take my Powerplant O&P's and my Airframe exams....it just feels like this permanent road block.

Everything is on hold until July 19. And even then I'll have to wait a month for the DME to be available for my mechanics certs.

I want this phase of my life to be over. For a year and a half, I've been relying on my fiancee to support me while I went to A&P school. And now we're living with my father until we can get on our feet (she was recently laid off from her job and decided to go to college). I'm done with that now, but am waiting to get my lisences. I just want to get it over with, get my certs and get a job and start living my own life. But now I have this wait that I can do nothing about.

And even worse, we're going to visit her family for 10 days. Which means, by the time we get back, I'll have been almost a month between flight lessons...


Thank goodness for my father for putting up with two irresponsible young "adults" and thank goodness for my fiancee, who is always there to comfort me, and let me know that my mind always paints things in the most negative light, and this too shall pass.
Ok, I'll bite.
Why do you need a drivers license to take your A&P tests?

If it is because you need a state issued ID to go with an FAA certificate, you can get a non driving ID from DMV. You could have done that years ago.

Our student pilots that are to young to drive do that.
Ever feel like everything is working against you?

I am 21 and have never had a driver's liscense. I know how to drive and all, but I've never even had a learner's liscense. I was just to lazy...

So I decide it's time to buy a (cheap) car and just do it. I can't even get to the DMV to take the written test until July 19. Once I get that, THEN I can take my Powerplant O&P's and my Airframe exams....it just feels like this permanent road block.

Everything is on hold until July 19. And even then I'll have to wait a month for the DME to be available for my mechanics certs.

I want this phase of my life to be over. For a year and a half, I've been relying on my fiancee to support me while I went to A&P school. And now we're living with my father until we can get on our feet (she was recently laid off from her job and decided to go to college). I'm done with that now, but am waiting to get my lisences. I just want to get it over with, get my certs and get a job and start living my own life. But now I have this wait that I can do nothing about.

And even worse, we're going to visit her family for 10 days. Which means, by the time we get back, I'll have been almost a month between flight lessons...


Thank goodness for my father for putting up with two irresponsible young "adults" and thank goodness for my fiancee, who is always there to comfort me, and let me know that my mind always paints things in the most negative light, and this too shall pass.

Oh Well Life's a ***** and then ya die.............

I worked my way thru A&P school, cleaning drip pans and hangars floors at Atlantic Aviation in TET NJ. for 2 years nights, while I went to school days,

When I got my A&P, the draft boards was calling my name so I got a deferment to work a government contract flying in Ak, I borrowed the money to buy an Old Noorduyn Norseman, and worked 2 summers, lost my ass, sold the nordy for the fuel bill and arrears on my loan and joined the Navy.
Ok, I'll bite.
Why do you need a drivers license to take your A&P tests?

If it is because you need a state issued ID to go with an FAA certificate, you can get a non driving ID from DMV. You could have done that years ago.

Our student pilots that are to young to drive do that.

It's expired, and a new one is $30. I don't want to spend the $30 for a new ID card, and then spend another >$30 to take the driving test next month.
This makes me all nostalgic for the days when I thought government agencies were actually there to provide me services I paid for.

Then the reality of bureaucracy set in, and later, that I was paying for such ineptitude.


As far as the government goes young man, it'll never get any better.

As far as life goes, learn to be happy in whatever you do, as life itself never gets any better or worse either. Only your attitude towards life can really change what it is to you.

Smile. It's more fun that way and it makes the sourpusses paranoid of you.
curious, why can't you go to the DMV until the 19th?
It's expired, and a new one is $30. I don't want to spend the $30 for a new ID card, and then spend another >$30 to take the driving test next month.
Not sure why the long wait for the DL test but the rest seems like your choice to wait by not opting to get an ID card. Since you started the entire post with the idea that your were "too lazy" to get the DL earlier and let your ID expire this all sounds like drama that was of your own making.
You have 4 weeks to get to the DMV. If you really want it, you will find a way. I would bet if you started walking right now, you could be there in less than 4 weeks.
I am not sure if you are complaining about something in the "system" or about your own choices in life. Perhaps someone in the government should take our tax dollars and provide you with what you feel you need so that you won't have to put out any effort.

Don't get me wrong. I am not heartless and I do feel a great deal of sympathy. For your fiance and her father.
That's a situation I can't even relate to. I learned to drive at age 14, got my permit the day I turned 15 and a half, and took the driving test within two days of turning 16. It was a really big deal to me and, and it was a big deal to all of my friends.

Good luck, and I say just bite the bullet and get your driver's license and get it over with.
I guess I could go into a long winded explanation of all I had gone through to get my pilots license, which started out with me with no car, or drivers license, riding for hours on public transportation to get to the airport, but I wont. Tough it out kid, if you want it, you will get it. Nothing worthwhile is easy to achieve.

It's expired, and a new one is $30. I don't want to spend the $30 for a new ID card, and then spend another >$30 to take the driving test next month.

Get a Passport. Or a Passport Card. Good for 10 years, proves citizenship, etc.
Get a Passport. Or a Passport Card. Good for 10 years, proves citizenship, etc.
He does not want to even spend $30 for an ID. A passport costs a lot more. He could drop one flight lesson and then have more than enough money to do what he wants. You and I know being an adult is all about making choices and living with the results of those choices.

I guess we should welcome Greg D. to the big leagues.
Thank goodness for my father for putting up with two irresponsible young "adults" and thank goodness for my fiancee, who is always there to comfort me, and let me know that my mind always paints things in the most negative light, and this too shall pass.

Can't improve on that advice.
Ever feel like everything is working against you?

I am 21 and have never had a driver's liscense. I know how to drive and all, but I've never even had a learner's liscense. I was just to lazy...

So I decide it's time to buy a (cheap) car and just do it. I can't even get to the DMV to take the written test until July 19. Once I get that, THEN I can take my Powerplant O&P's and my Airframe exams....it just feels like this permanent road block.

Everything is on hold until July 19. And even then I'll have to wait a month for the DME to be available for my mechanics certs.

I want this phase of my life to be over. For a year and a half, I've been relying on my fiancee to support me while I went to A&P school. And now we're living with my father until we can get on our feet (she was recently laid off from her job and decided to go to college). I'm done with that now, but am waiting to get my lisences. I just want to get it over with, get my certs and get a job and start living my own life. But now I have this wait that I can do nothing about.

And even worse, we're going to visit her family for 10 days. Which means, by the time we get back, I'll have been almost a month between flight lessons...


Thank goodness for my father for putting up with two irresponsible young "adults" and thank goodness for my fiancee, who is always there to comfort me, and let me know that my mind always paints things in the most negative light, and this too shall pass.

Ah, to be 21, and to have a supportive fiancee to comfort me...I envy you!
Cheer up young man. Life is always in cycles. Ever see the movie "Training Day"? Remember the smiles and cries.

I recall when I was 24. Never had credit so, no one would give me any. Now I can get any debt I want (LOL).

Now that I have my PPL, I want airplanes but the owners want me to have an IR.

Your desires will always outpace your means to gratify. Manage your desires while you grow your character.
Life is tough. :rolleyes: Got my learner's permit at 15, passed my driving test at 16 on the first try. It wasn't until thirteen years later that I passed my Private checkride. :eek: Atleast I passed my checkride on the first try. :goofy:
That's the nextavailable date to take the test.
You must be leaving something. All of the DMV offices are open from either 8 or 8:30am to around 5pm, Monday thru Friday.

Maybe someone just doesn't want you to get a license and is lying to you. Like when I told my wife that Republicans vote on Tuesday and democrats vote on Wednesday.
You must be leaving something. All of the DMV offices are open from either 8 or 8:30am to around 5pm, Monday thru Friday.


Around here, if you are not in line at the DPS office by 6:15 AM, you are not taking the driving test that day. No "appointments" other than those made by getting in line as described.
You must be leaving something. All of the DMV offices are open from either 8 or 8:30am to around 5pm, Monday thru Friday.

Maybe someone just doesn't want you to get a license and is lying to you. Like when I told my wife that Republicans vote on Tuesday and democrats vote on Wednesday.


Mine requires appointment.

...I've got 30 yrs on you. You want to hear a real rant? I didn't think so. Me neither. Carry on... :D

Less time complaining, more time thinking about what has to be done to accomplish your goals. It works. Try it.

Seriously, this isn't a change in regulation, the requirement has been there the whole time you've been training. In the amount of time it's taken you to dwell over how bad your situation is you could have paid $30, got your state ID, and then made that $30 back working.

It makes no sense to hold back your ability to generate money for your family because you don't want to pay $30. Be glad you have someone to "support" you while you dwell over this problem. If this is holding you back, I promise you that having an A&P certificate isn't going to magically make things better.

Moving forward in life takes work. Lots of it.
Thanks for putting that reality check out there. The things this guy needs to happen haven't happened because he hasn't made then happen.

Get the darn ID. Take the test. Pass. Start working.

If he needs someone to line him up every day and tell him what to do, then maybe he should enlist in the armed forces. They provide that kind of structure. If you can pass the test.
If he needs someone to line him up every day and tell him what to do, then maybe he should enlist in the armed forces. They provide that kind of structure. If you can pass the test.

Best advice yet! If they will take him.